Why the Ravens/Melbourne Storm might not be good for CricSim

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Farny, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

    Lol, he called you a peon.
  2. Ged GEC King

    Heef isn't at my club? Wtf?
  3. Callum CJ Laing

    I thought he was talking to Farny TBH.

    @ Heef

    @ Farny

    Or thats how I read it.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2009
  4. Toolman TR Man

    I can just tell by every call you made then that you were teased throughout your entire school life. I hope all that anger isn't fogging up your glasses now. Seriously dude I think you need some help, it's not healthy to talk in such a socially unacceptable way. Distance yourself from the net and reevaluate your life because you really really need to. You can talk to me if you feel like you need to open up to somebody, I'll help you as best as possible.

    And Callum was right. Farny basically said the Ravens are such a cool group they should spread out their coolness. I'd watch him if I were you Ged.
  5. GYR DW Lewis

    Come on Toolman it was obv he was joking. We really talk about how Kevin Rudd is incompetent in managing foreign policy, indulging in international grandstanding and having an overriding obsession with big ideas and grand schemes.
  6. Hunter AD Hunt

    Now come on Deanus. It was quite extravagent how Mr.Rudd was able to incorporate a precise policy mix. His use of macroeconomic policy with a turnaround of recent times using Fiscal policy following the Keynesian theory and giving Monetary policy a back seat role was exceptional. Notedly the fiscal stimulus suceeded greatly with the multiplier effect taking due course allowing our economy to avoid a recession with only one negative growth rate of -0.5% succeeded by a +0.4% rate. Being the only westernised economy to achieve this feat was quite remarkable.
  7. Mousey AJ Son

    :laugh: Loving this thread.
  8. Fungus K Fung


    But you must take notice that the policies has a great turn around before the impact of it can be seen. Majority of the impact of the policies are yet to be seen. The fact that Australians are spenders rather than savers is a hugely contributing factor, Mr Hunt.
  9. Alec AD Funkotron

    I don't think that's it at all. Me, GYR, Manero, Prince etc post outside the Ravens forum quite a bit. And the guys who don't are usually the people who are busy with things outside the forum IMO. It was kind of similar to that at the Allstars when we were around. BTF, Rumple, Rusty, Billy, Kurdt barely posted either because they were all busy with work outside the forum.

    Basically, I don't think that if the team was to be spread out that it would increase the activity of some of the (ex-)Ravens players anyway.
  10. Hunter AD Hunt

    But several long term goals are looking promising Kelvin. Due to this stimulus we have seen a large increase in demand. From this numerous labour opportunities have arisen thanks to this- as we all know supply is derived demand. As a result of this the unemployment rate is now forecast well below the initial suspected rate. Consumer confidence has grown back into our economy greatly aswell. From our current economic position speculation in the $A has risen. Increasing from $0.6US to near $0.85US at the current time we have seen a fortunate appreciation. While there are severe reprocussions from the bleek economic positions of numerous world ecnomonies, the Australian is in a steady position currently and well ahead of alot of the advanced westernised ones. If we want to continue to do well we must continue to increase our growth rate. As the great man John Maynard Keynes once said, "In times of downturn spend and prosper".
  11. Fungus K Fung

    But the questions must be asked. Are we too narrow with our focus? Keeping an economy afloat isn't one dimensioned - trying to have an impact on it from one direction will cause problems for others.

    You are well and truly wrong about the appreciation of the dollar. It is in fact the US that is making us look good. Again, have we appreciated too much for our own good?

    ****, I don't think I can continue this anymore.
  12. Incey BC Jacobs

    Hunt is obviously trying to get a gig at the Black Birds.
  13. Paddy P Orr

    Lol at this thread.
  14. Hunter AD Hunt

    Wrong about the appreciation I think not. It has nothing to do with the $US itself. The $US is just used as a pegging system for all currencies worldwide. An appreciation by definition is an increase in the value of a currency, which is what ours did due to increased investment. It is simple supply and demand my friend. Due to our positive economic outlook, speculation in our economy increases. With this there is a greater demand for the $A, which in turn causes an appreciation. We can see this from the graph below.


    With an increase in demand the curve moves to the right. From this the quantity increases as more is demanded. Also with more demand the price is able to be increased.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2009
  15. Ged GEC King

    Price is only increased if supply is kept at the same level. An equal increase in supply and demand will usually equate to the price staying at the same value.
  16. Hunter AD Hunt

    Worded it wrong. Fixed.
  17. SM MD Dorn

    Economics!? FMD you ****s will talk about pretty much anything when there's no simmage
  18. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    I could always elaborate on carbohydrate metabolism if you're sick of economics...
  19. Kovas C Kovas

    Fiscal = Physical
  20. Flack SA Flack

    Please do go on.

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