Oi Cribb

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by stupersteve03, May 24, 2012.

  1. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Yeah, pretty much over it.

    It's an effort to come on here and post with people like Frizzed and Wilson - People who speak in supposedly easy-to-understand English but make utterly illogical arguments and troll incessantly. They're fine. It's the supposedly verbose and grandiloquent for whom the criticism and contempt is reserved.

    So yeah, my bad...

  2. Cribbage RG Cribb

    :laugh: ffs

    It's not like I started a thread having a whinge about it.

    I saw an easy opportunity to take the piss out of you, so I took it, like I would with any other member. You took part of my post seriously so I explained the origin of the joke. Your posts could definitely be clearer if you tried. I never said that was a worse crime than trolling, but funnily enough, I couldn't make a "Wilson is a troll" joke in reply to Steve's post, so I didn't.
  3. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    My retort wasn't confined to you. All and sundry have attacked me for my supposedly pretentious posting. You're trying to look smart, you love your thesaurus, the point of talking is to communicate after all, and so on. I was attacked the other day for using the word "phenomenal". Apparently I betray signs of a person whose primary goal is to impress others. Frankly, I think you all betray a temptation about which little or no speculation is required. It's deference, squared. I dare say none of you would care one wit were a pair of scissors taken to the English dictionary and a third of it excised. Heaven forfend we speak out of convention. In point of truth, we wouldn't have a language if we restricted ourselves only to the common and the understood. It's regressive and stifling, by definition.

    Feel free to use the full gamut of your vocabulary when addressing me, though. Or I suppose we could both just condescend to one another, and won't that be fun? :original:
  4. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    I wouldn't bother with a response, EWS. (I doubt you'd write one anyway). But I certainly won't be bothering to read it.
  5. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    It would be easier for you to post normal, every day words. Very few people on here are going to google a word you have posted so they can understand what you're trying to say. It's just so much easier to skip that part of your post, or troll you about it.
  6. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    I think that's an indictment against the sort of people this forum attracts rather than against my posting.
  7. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Not really. This is a sporting forum, used mainly for Rugby League discussion. 95% of normal Aussies will not understand half of the words you come out with. And it's not like you do it on a small scale, like saying facetious instead of sarcastic, you take it to the extreme.

    Go nuts with your uncommon words, but people on here will always bag you for it, or just straight up ignore your point. You can say it's the forums fault etc etc, but you should consider personality mirroring. I know I don't use technical terms in areas where people won't understand me, because I know I'll come across as a dickhead, because they won't understand me.
  8. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Firstly, this confounded statistic, though I would say a commonly held approximation by people of this forum i.e. those within said percentage, is wildly inaccurate. And what does our nationality have to do with anything? Why does it warrant mention? Seems to me like your range of experience extends hardly, or certainly not routinely, beyond the average person. This makes your unsubstantiated statistic seem accurate. I can assure you it's not. There are huge numbers of people who know what "nomenclature" means. :punk:

    That's fine. I don't criticise those who wish to be better understood by deferring or even condescending. I'm just rather tired of being attacked for my reluctance to. I fully expect to be by germs like Wilson. I don't expect it from people like EWS and Heath. But that's their prerogative.
  9. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Anyway, I'm exhausted. Have nothing left to give.
  10. loganb JEM Logan

    Maybe because he doesn't feel he knows that many people from outside Australia, so he doesn't feel as though he can talk on their behalf?

    I find it really funny how you talk with all the qualities of a proscriptivist, yet you seem to portray the message of a descriptivist :p
  11. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Cribb and MF it's fine if you want to argue linguistics amongst yourselves and figure out who's got the greatest vocabulary, but do it somewhere else, make a new thread if you have too but stop derailing threads that are about different topics.

    You've been warned, the next one who does it will be cockblocked and then I'm handing out emfractions.
  12. loganb JEM Logan

    "emfractions" :laugh: best idea
    Last edited: May 25, 2012
  13. Mousey AJ Son

    I just post how I talk, not how I would write an argument in an essay. Do you talk like that MF? Serious question, because I know some people who do, but you don't come across as one.
    Last edited: May 25, 2012
  14. 99* JJ Ritchie

    This discussion should be taken to the Ravens subforum where it belongs tbf. No need to infect the rest of the forum with it.

  15. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    Hey this is my thread (see my name in the thread title) and I am happy enough with the topic :p
  16. Skippos SM Morgan

    Just ftr MF I've got no issue with the vocab you use but it is pretty stupid in the society we live in - it's not a reflection of the forum either, show me a 'forum' where people use words like that? They're dead. You get a real job and show up to a meeting speaking like you do here? Your coworkers would take the piss out of you. You've got to adapt to the world around you to succeed, not expect it to adapt to you which it seems you are. No disrepect intended either, I do like you.

    Clarity wasn't the best word either, you're clear in your message it's just the others don't have the literacy to understand it.
  17. Lukic L Popovic

    There's no need to talk the way MF does on the forum. It's great to have a broad vocabulary, but it just seems pretentious and douchy on a forum.

    THE END.
  18. loganb JEM Logan

    Save it for the essays bro :p
  19. Alec AD Funkotron

    It's pretentious and douchey everywhere. It's open mic poetry night pretentious.
  20. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Sorry to have to say that it is quite likely, when in conversation, to hear me use a word like "corollary". I think I know why you'd infer the contrary. It has something to do with profanity, I reckon.

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