The Resistance

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Escath, May 5, 2014.

  1. Blake BE Quilty

    Sorry to all, sorry to Escath.

    Personally I think that one of Weeman and Blunder is a spy. If Weeman is a spy, Blunder is innocent and if Blunder is a spy, Weeman is innocent imo (due to what Blunder said about Weeman wouldn't pick Blunder if he was a spy and knew that Blunder was a spy as well). I could see Tart choosing to throw himself in with Weeman/Blunder and potentially failing it himself but it definitely draws attention to himself so it's a risky move in an inexperienced game. N/11 to do the same thing if he was the spy would be very attention-drawing as well imo.

    So I think there's 1 spy in this group. Two situations. Me and N/11 are fine, one of Weeman/Blunder will fail it. Otherwise if Weeman/Blunder are both innocent, N/11 has to be a spy but there is 3 innocents so it won't fail. If Weeman and Blunder are both spies then I've been outplayed big time.

    Number 11
  2. Blake BE Quilty

    Also slight possibility of course that N/11 and one of Weeman/Blunder are spies. But again as a spy I'm not sure if he'd risk sending 2 as it can give a lot of information away, it also seems a bit fluky that one of them chose to pass and one chose to fail.
  3. Weeman27bob BE Force

    Is that the group you're putting forward or just a suggested group?
  4. Blake BE Quilty

    Putting it forward
  5. Escath LE Schaw

    Votes/discussion/whatever please.
  6. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    The strategy is sound. But it takes a huge leap of faith that you yourself are town. If you're not its game over
  7. Blake BE Quilty

    I'd be more active if I was a spy. As this is my first game I'm not so invested in it to create a strategy which I go afk for a few days annoying Escath and co. WIFOM all you want but think about it.
  8. Escath LE Schaw

    24 hours to vote.
  9. Escath LE Schaw

    Not enough no votes. Think only Tart and Ritchie said no.

    Spies win, since Weeman and N11 were both spies. Third one was Teacups.
  10. Weeman27bob BE Force

  11. Tartmaster AJ James

  12. Blake BE Quilty

    WAC N11
  13. Escath LE Schaw

    One thing that's quite obvious (and has been a big issue in mafia scumtelling afaic) is that people don't appreciate how important it is to take note of voting. It's even more important in this because there are no roles as such and the only thing the resistance has going for them is larger numbers. Here are some of my thoughts on strategy here.

    Let's just take the very first group that is proposed as an example. No matter what, if you are in the resistance and you're not in the group, you should not accept the first group. Why? Because you have absolutely no information other than that you yourself are not a spy. In a 7 person game such as this, this means the of the remaining six, three are spies and three are resistance. Two people are required to go on the first mission. What are the chances that they contain all resistance? It's simply 3/6*2/5 = 6/30 = 1/5 = 20%. You have a 20% chance that the first group is a good group to go with. If people are afraid of lynching townies in mafia when there is an estimated 75% of mislynching (given a 1-in-3 mafia to townie ratio) why the hell would you risk the 80% chance of sending a spy on the first mission? This is where the counterplay can come in.

    If you always just blindly vote yes, then there is no counterplay required for the spies to win. They wouldn't even need the advantage of knowing who are spies and who aren't spies. They only need the fact that the chances of the resistance getting it right more times than not is very, very low.
  14. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    What do you do after that then? Surely then everyone will always vote no on the first vote and noones any wiser.

    I think the hardest thing here is there is legitimately nothing to read. People don't post in here, so there's no discussion and noone shows their motives.
  15. Weeman27bob BE Force

    Yeah it's very easy just to lie over the internet in a way which is much more difficult in person.

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