Random Wikipedia Royal Rumble

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Scottie, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Scottie NG Scott


    The crowd of random bystanders has converged here at Cricsim Memorial Stadium for the most thrilling of encounters - the Wiki Royal Rumble! Its pandemonium in the stands as special guest announcer, American child and family psychologist Richard Weissbourd, reads out the rules and... asks the crowd how they are really feeling.

    1. 30 entrants, determined by...um...the random page function on Wikipedia.
    2. Vote for who you want to be ELIMINATED, not who you want to win.
    3. Once a wrestler reaches 5 votes, they are eliminated.
    4. After 5 votes have been cast, a new superstar will enter. (Sometimes after more than 5 votes, if I don't check the thread quickly enough.)
    5. Once you have voted you may not vote again until somebody is eliminated, OR a new wrestler enters.
    6. Every time somebody is eliminated, the vote total for each wrestler in the ring decreases by 1 (unless they are on 0. Then it remains 0).
    7. I will only be using the Wiki pages for actual living things (whether they're still alive or not today) and/or fictional characters, so don't expect the personification of List of Problems Solved by MacGyver to make an appearance.
    With the official stuff out of the way, our number one entrant comes out to an Andre Rieu classic - its lovable larrikin and Irish nationalist Conall McDevitt MLA! The largely non-partisan crowd is a bit non-plussed by the propaganda he's handing out, but he looks like he's spoiling for a fight and will hopefully win them onside!

    But who drew #2? Who else, but Lancashite local Dean Ellison? The superbike racer has never actually... won anything, but hey, he's been at it for eight years so that has to count for something, right?

    The announcer and colour commentator for this match, also randomly selected, are August Heckscher and William Farren Jr. Don't expect to hear much from them - one of them was the general manager of a mining company.

    So there we are - an Irish nationalist vs. a winless superbike racer - WHO WILL GET THE ADVANTAGE TO START THE MATCH? Find out in our next update, dependent on YOUR VOTES.

    Conall McDevitt MLA (0)
    Dean Ellison (0)


    First update will come five votes later at minimum! Vote away!
  2. RyanG R Gee

    McDevitt I guess. I really want to vote for both to be eliminated though.
  3. GIMH GIMH Martyn

    Dean Ellison
  4. Howe JHF Howe

    Heh, had forgotten the filter on Lancashire.

    Will vote out Ellison and his silly scooter thingy
  5. Eds E Ames

  6. Howe JHF Howe

    Hell of an OP btw
  7. Roaddogg AJ Izett

  8. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Get that McDevitt shunt out of there. The very gall at putting letters after his name as he entered the ring! WAC!

    (Scottie :wub:)
  9. Arheiner SIA Yates

    McDevitt. Clearly...
  10. PaulFromOz PF Oz

  11. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    McDevitt - you're goooone, brother!
  12. PaulFromOz PF Oz

  13. morgieb MC Burridge

    Oh haha, this looks like a great thread. Well done.
  14. Slyza N Hunt

    Dean Ellison
  15. Scottie NG Scott

    Whoa, well we've got more than five! I have to discount the last vote, though.

    Update coming.
  16. Athlai JJD Heads

    Gun stuff
  17. Scottie NG Scott

    Conall McDevitt MLA did nothing to win these fans over and decided to hand over some leaflets to the referee before the bell even rung. He was after a frank political discussion with Ellison, too, but the Lancastrian had none of it and he stiffed him with a straight right hand!

    That seemed to energise the Irish MP who fought back with some punches of his own, but an attempt at a cross body was caught by Ellison who promptly levelled him with a slam. It was trouble for Conall McDevitt MLA as the lithe frame of the athletic motorcyclist proved too much for his ageing frame - Ellison working away on him in the corner with a series of brutal shots to the midsection.

    Ellison's eagerness got the better of him, tough, as an attempted corner splash was dodged by Conall McDevitt MLA. Hurtling towards the corner, Conall McDevitt MLA rolled out of the way at just the right time and Ellison was left to hurtle directly into the turnbuckle!

    Sensing a chance, Conall McDevitt MLA climbed the ropes and looked to hit his famous Drumcree Standoff - only to be caught by Ellison! With the timer counting down and after a brief struggle, Ellison managed to dump the Irish nationalist to give us our first elimination!

    Elimination 1: Conall McDevitt MLA

    He didn't have time to celebrate, though, as the counter went down to zero to signal the #3 entrant! The Harry Potter theme starts playing - could it be? Is this the big name entrant?

    Well, not quite. It is another Harry - German cinematographer Harry Hasso! He's, of course, directed his own video to accompany his arrival on the TitanTron - it's "interesting", and naturally ends with footage of a scarecrow shitting on a raven's chest.

    ...German film, huh?

    Dean Ellison (1)
    Harry Hasso (0)


    Try to keep it to around five votes for this one if possible, because it works a bit better if we manage to keep more than two people in the ring and I'm going to bed. :)
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2013
  18. morgieb MC Burridge

  19. Athlai JJD Heads


    Look how many birds Hasso nailed. Champion.
  20. PaulFromOz PF Oz


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