Pokemon Sim

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Evilhoopler, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Droos JP Rhodes

    Don't care if it's done last, as long as it's done. And yes, patience is not my forte.
  2. Evilhoopler NR Chance

    Sorry guys something importan has come up, will continue in around 10 days
  3. TBra TJ Bradford

    Fuck yeah, I have a Growlithe.
  4. Escath LE Schaw

    Did we just get Howed?
  5. Iridium IT Lee

    All that work just to troll us? Doubtful.
  6. Droos JP Rhodes

    Self-constraining not to rage . . .
  7. Hunter AD Hunt

    I blame Droos.
  8. Dirk Diggler DM Diggler

  9. Droos JP Rhodes

    I'm sorry. :sadwalk:
  10. Droos JP Rhodes

    :laugh: Twas my reaction.
  11. Evilhoopler NR Chance

    nah not a troll, just busy atm
  12. Athlai JJD Heads

    Me out playing Chewie will just have to wait.
  13. TBra TJ Bradford

    Do I actually have to do anything for this sim?
  14. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Droos if you continue to be a cunt in this thread, you will be cockblocked from it.

    And before people think that's an over-reaction, there have been admin-deleted posts
  15. Hunter AD Hunt

    You just want to take over his team! :p
  16. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Good work Cribb!
  17. Escath LE Schaw

    Nah he wants to take over Athlai's.
  18. Droos JP Rhodes

    Yeah, no one would want my team. Fucking Meowth at the spearhead of my attack.
  19. Athlai JJD Heads

    So effectively a pussy with coin on the brain?

    Assuming its under level 16 it'd be right up Cribbs street you'd think.
  20. Evilhoopler NR Chance

    Mariner def Masters

    Voltorb Pikachu NidoranF Pidgey Ekans V Magnemite Jigglypuff

    Voltorb and Magnemite was the start of the battle, and in what was a battle of sonicboom from both sides, The faster Voltorb beat magnemite, but not without a handful of battle scars to account for it. Jigglypuff then came out, and didn't attempt to damage Magnemite, instead atempting to render him useless using sing, but was inaccurate, and was finished with magnemites Spark.

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