Most knowledgeable league posters

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Lukic, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. GYR DW Lewis

    Well we have all been going on about how this new cricsim sucks so I thought I would bring a bit of the older stuff back.
  2. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

  3. Flack SA Flack

    3 is a joke, tbh.
  4. Eggman DA Eggman

    Oh Yeah!!
  5. Toolman TR Man

    Least knowledgable league posters:

    1. Toolman
    2. Lukic
  6. Julian BJ Taylor

    Hahaha gun.
  7. SM MD Dorn

    Me obv...
  8. Colesy BL Hornby

    Yeah this.
  9. Julian BJ Taylor

    The only thing you're good at expressing is your stupidity.
  10. Old Mate M Perry

    Not Sonic Star that's for sure.

    Was just reading his shit and hope to God Souffs fold again sometime in the future.
  11. Stormer BH Borisc

    1. Lukic
    2. Ews
    3. Julian
    4. Crowley
  12. Old Mate M Perry

    Face meet palm.
  13. Stormer BH Borisc

    Order of 2 and 3 can be changed but the rest is pretty clear cut to me tbh.
  14. Lukic L Popovic

    My avatar > Cribb's.
  15. Old Mate M Perry

    Where the **** is POTTY?
  16. Tartmaster AJ James

    In the kitchen.
  17. LukeTyson L Tyson

    Everyone. Everyone has their own opinions and everyone voices it in different ways.
  18. Stormer BH Borisc

    What? Who?
  19. Callum CJ Laing

  20. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Freddy, Myself and Benny actually have the greatest knowledge of rugby league here.

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