Battlestar Galactica Mafia

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Athlai, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Skippos SM Morgan

    Firefly's my next project after I get over BSG but comparing BSG to Stargate is offensive - BSG just so, so much better.
  2. Cribbage RG Cribb

    How does it compare to First Wave?
  3. Speirz DG Speirs

    I really regret not just day killing number 11 without outing myself, purely for the confusion it would've caused.
  4. Mousey AJ Son

    That is a massive call, the franchise has had 17 seasons, and 3 movies for a reason. Watch the lot man. Amazing.
  5. Captain SSD Dong

    I couldn't claim anyone. Slim pickings tstl. Baltar woukd never be a watcher, and neither would Tyrol. I just hoped people would buy my claim because of the way I phrased it, Raptor's eyes, searching missions etc. Was a flimsy claim but I had no choice. I remember you claiming me not CC'ing was stupid, but I really had no choice. It was either one shit claim or another equally unplausible one.
  6. Skippos SM Morgan

    BSG convincingly better.
  7. Skippos SM Morgan

    I'd probably have claimed Hotdogs or Kat and used the same justification.
  8. Skippos SM Morgan

    I've watched it. I like Stargate but I just can't even come close to comparing it to BSG.
  9. Cribbage RG Cribb

    :lol: You've never watched FW cunt.
  10. Skippos SM Morgan

    I really wish BSG would branch out and expand with a new series but they closed it off so well I don't know how. please come back :(

    and it must include Olmos/Sackhoff/Bamber/McDonnell etc as they are amazing
  11. Skippos SM Morgan

    Yeah my point is nothing can be better.

    I will watch FW now just to confirm this.

    Expectation Bias will be at play though.
  12. Skippos SM Morgan

    What I don't understand is how Katee Sackhoff hasn't really done much since BSG. Her acting is just impeccable on the most part.

    Even Tricia Helfer grew into the role so well. Surprised I haven't seen more of her.
  13. Cribbage RG Cribb

    No-one other than me and the cunts who wrote the FW book rate it at all tbh.
  14. Captain SSD Dong

    Yeah which is no better. In fact Hot Dog is a much worse claim.
  15. Howe JHF Howe

    And who the hell is Kat?

    Crashdown was a good claim, and makes the most sense as a Watcher given he spends s1 as Boomer's understudy. Was probably one of the characters cut.
  16. Skippos SM Morgan

    I'd have thought Kat, Ellen and Doral would have been. Kelly or Cally even.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2013
  17. Baxter MJ Deane

    Then lynched McGrath the next day didn't they?
  18. Howe JHF Howe

    He was vig hit, I think.
  19. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Tricia Helfer does alot of voice overs for sci fi games and stuff.

    But BSG is far and away the best TV series I've ever seen. Literally nothing touches it. And not watching the last episode? WTF it's amazing

    AWTA. Hotdog and co were fringe chars in S1

    Kat gets a much bigger part in S2 and 3. She's a viper pilot.

    And yeh if Boomer is a watcher why is Crashdown being watcher so strange? Skippos chatting shit

    And also Skippos behavior in this was disgusting. Went way too far.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2013
  20. Skippos SM Morgan

    Boomer wasn't a watcher due to her being a raptor pilot, she was a cylon watcher due to her being a cylon within the fleet - watching the fleet's every move on behalf of the enemy.

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