"This is what I thought of the TV show I just watched" thread

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Cribbage, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    It achieved context for people reading it without having to scan over it to see what Magic wrote. Discussions between Magic and I tend to be lengthy sometimes. I didn't want to have a back and forth all in white. It's a pain in the arse.

    You guys are making a big deal out of the fact that I removed the WT for some reason and I don't get it. I mean I get that you think spoilers should be in white but you seem extra pissed off that I removed it from someone else's post. Seems to me it's no more egregious than the fact that I didn't put my own text in white. What difference does it make? Both the quote and the response contain spoilers. Shri's post two pages back contains spoilers. I mean what's the go?

    Anyway, I apologise again. I'll be sure to use WT from now on. Just think it's a little unnecessary.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2014
  2. Cobra Commander CC Classified

    At least he didn't quote a post that started with the words "Mother dying"

    Yeah PEWS, you know what I'm talking about.
  3. Captain SSD Dong

    I'm fine with people not using WT for spoilers. I just think deliberately removing the WT just increased the chances of spoiling it for someone, so to go out of your way to do it was..odd.
  4. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    How did it increase the chances as opposed to me just posting like I did on the previous page?
  5. Captain SSD Dong

    Talking strictly about the quoted bit here, not the rest of your post.
  6. AVA T Delonge

    I almost read it assuming you were quoting a different post by Magic, as I knew his spoiler post had previously been in white.
  7. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    A different post which had True Detective Spoilers in big bold letters?

    Fair enough. Again mea culpa.
  8. AVA T Delonge

    Well I saw that and didn't read it. :p But I often just skim a quote for context/to make sure I've read that first.
  9. Julian BJ Taylor

    if you're not up to date in a show and you're desperate to watch it then you shouldn't be reading this thread.
  10. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Yeah, I agree pretty much. Different if you're posting leaks that haven't been aired at all, but if it's been aired it's fair game.
  11. Magic AJ Parker

    I disagree I think when shows become popular enough that they're being discussed over numerous pages consistently they deserve their own thread.

    Although I've always known what this thread is and MF's spoilers was well labelled even if I don't understand why the white text needed to be removed.

    I've always thought this thread should be more about recommending shows and giving a personal opinion on whether you like the show & a brief overview rather than in-depth discussion of the latest episodes but it is what it is.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2014
  12. Julian BJ Taylor

    So I've got the latest Suits ep but I'm going to have to skim through what's happening to be up to date. Fucking mid season breaks to fuck off.
  13. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Yeah this for me. Lately I've finished a show and come in here to see what people are talking about to find out whats worth watching next.

    It's worked well - got me watching both House of cards and True Detective without any spoilers
  14. Skippos SM Morgan

    Doing a suits marathon atm.

    There are some actors who I just absolutely love when they randomly appear in shows for like cameos and what not. I just can't help but smile. Two in the top 5 of that list are Clarke Peters and the bloke who played Bunk Moreland in the wire.

    Like 5 seconds into the episode and Bunk moreland appears and it's just like the best episode already. Such a cool dude.
  15. Skippos SM Morgan

    Actually speaking of the wire characters popping up elsewhere I've seen a shitload of them just re-appear in airing shows/shows I'm binge-watching in 2014. I mean like obviously a few of them went on to bigger and better things (Stringer, Omar, Wallace and perhaps Carcetti?) but recently, so far there's been

    - D'Angelo Barksdale and Cutty Wise (The Walking Dead)
    - Brother Mouzone, Lester Freamon and Spiros Vondopolous (True Detective)
    - Nick Sobotka, Lester Freamon and Wee-Bey (Person of Interest)
    - Thomas Klebanow (Suits, Breaking Bad, Person of Interest)
    - Cedric Daniels (The Blacklist)

    appear on my screen out of the blue having not seen someone from the wire re-appear for like 3-4 years since it finished.

    Just a little strange I guess. I love it though as so many of the actors are just amazing
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014
  16. Shri G Shriram

    Continuum might be the best scifi show on air atm. Scratch that. It is the best scifi show on air atm.
  17. Frizzed WC Welker

    - Nick Sobotka (Weeds, OITNB)
    - Lester Freamon, Bunk Moreland, Prez, Ziggy, Walon (Treme)

    Some more off the top of my head.

    Also one of the blokes in HoC was in Wire. Pretty amazing really when you think about it.
  18. Julian BJ Taylor

    plenty of the blokes from the wire have really big tv careers. I see the editor from the newspaper in the final season in heaps of stuff. Daniels in fringe and other things.

    I watched remember the titans the other night and bam, avon barks dale.
  19. Skippos SM Morgan

    Yeah I remember seeing Freddy pop up in the wire too. Just remember Freddy a lot more :p
  20. Julian BJ Taylor

    One of the beast characters on The Wire imo. Carcetti's campaign manager or whatever he was.

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