The Wrasslin' thread

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by GYR, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. Hunter AD Hunt

    Was a great push for Reigns. That's about it.
  2. Dan DB Wayne

    Opened up a stream more for the sake of it than anything else; could tell the crowd wanted Bryan and nothing else.

    99 times out of 100 you'd expect Rey Mysterio to be cheered on return (he was returning/a guest entrant, right?). Not at number 30 with no Bryan though.
  3. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    haha loving those boos for craptista

    wyatt/bryan was a pretty good match

    awesome to see reigns break the eliminations record, he is gonna be pushed hard once the shield have their inevitable break up
  4. MASTERS S Masters

    start of the end for The Shield
  5. Wivian JK Wivillian

    Reigns should've won. Batista didn't need a Rumble victory to get his match at Wretlemania. Hopefully Reigns gets in EC. Crowd totally voiced their opinion in the last 20 minutes. :laugh:

    Crap ending to Lesnar-Show bout. Bryan's could've ended better, this only drags Bryan more far with this feud.

    Overall great PPV. I don't know how the NAO and Batista can carry WWE though, they are past it.
  6. Himannv LV Himann

    I think that's the end of Bryan's feud with Wyatt, as Wyatt now seems to be feuding with Supercena.

    Bryan should have been in the Rumble; I'm not sure what WWE has planned for him now.
  7. Wivian JK Wivillian

    I guess it could be Cena & Bryan against Wyatts or something like that for EC. CM Punk probably would go against Kane in WM, which would be a total disaster.

    About that Cena thing, yeah, I got not idea why they had to bring them in the Championship match. Probably it was solely to get Randy on road with Batista.
  8. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    nah its punk vs HHH at mania

    its been long rumoured to be cena vs bray at mania as well and it looks that they were true
  9. Wivian JK Wivillian

    Ah so that conspiracy crap for WM. What about Taker? Is there any word about him?
  10. Das09 S Das

    Taker vs Lesnar from what I have read.
  11. hedger OX Gbagbo

    Not really looking like a particular inspriing WM card at the moment tbh. Have seen the majority of these matches before.

    Cena vs Bray Wyatt will be good, but doesn't really look like a WM match at this stage.
  12. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    I actually thought taker was gonna show up during lesnars chair beating of big show
  13. Das09 S Das

    I thought that as well. I expected Taker to make some appearance at the Rumble.
  14. GYR DW Lewis

    I think it is a shame that Batistas rumble surprise was ruined. If he came in as a surprise entrance it would have been totally different. Crowd would have went nuts.

    Anyway the WWE knows exactly what they are doing with this Bryan situation. They are starving the crowd and pissing them off to get the ultimate reaction when he eventually gets his big moment. No one has been getting reactions like this since Austin and they are very much taking what they did with Austin and applying to to Bryan. The crowd were riled up for ages waiting for Austin to stunner McMahon and the pay off was big.
  15. Wivian JK Wivillian

    Yeah, definitely. There was no surprise element with Batista thing. It is way too obvious, and his return wasn't made that good at RAW as well, his return was interrupted and then there was a convo etc, nothing superficial.

    Coming to Taker Lesnar at WM, I don't see how they could script Lesnar losing against Taker just for the sake of streak, it'd look ridiculous. Taker is easily exhausted and Lesnar character has been built up so much that he cannot be beaten in under 15 mins.

    Bray Bryan match was great, but against Super Cena I don't think it'd live up that much, atleast doesn't look anywhere near begin a great match atm.
  16. hedger OX Gbagbo

    Taker vs Bryan is another match that has been mooted.

    Would rather see that than him face Lesnar. But would probably rather see Bryan face someone like Batista or HHH.
  17. Das09 S Das

    Yeah, Taker wants to face Bryan, but if they did Taker vs Bryan, I'd expect Taker getting booed. WWE wouldn't want that.
  18. Freddy MJ Johns

    I'd eat my hat if taker got booed.
  19. Wivian JK Wivillian

    Can't see that happen. Taker wouldn't get boo'ed, no matter what. But match wouldn't be fast paced or athletic, which would make it boring nevertheless.
  20. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    imagine if they let bryan beat the streak.

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