The Wrasslin' thread

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by GYR, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. Mike ML Martyn

    Kane beating Orton, Rock beating Cena and to a lesser extent Big Show beating Rhodes were all surprises IMO.

    Lesnar and A-Train must be making their appearances on RAW.
  2. Das09 S Das

    Rock beating Cena wasn't a surprise tbh. It was expected for Rock to win at his hometown.
  3. Mike ML Martyn

    I guess Super Cena winning would've been hard on anyone trying to come up against him in the future.
  4. MASTERS S Masters

    good on Rock for winning

    Also just reading that HHH V Taker was the best match EVER at WM
  5. Himannv LV Himann

    Need some spoiler alerts in here. Anyways glad to hear that the Rock won. Can't stand Cena.
  6. MASTERS S Masters

    Almost all my tips won (except Orton)
  7. Rocks DN Boland

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

  8. Jimmy J Read

    they were never going to make rock lose.
  9. Hunter AD Hunt

    'Taker v HHH match was pretty gun. Had a real old school feel to it. None of the flashy shit, just laying into each other over and over with chairs.
  10. Jimmy J Read

    it sounded awesome from what i read on the internet.
  11. Stormer BH Borisc

    omfg lesnar. jizz. if goldberg comes back as well...

    they can replay their epic mania match
  12. GYR DW Lewis

    Fuck last night was awesome. Such an incredible atmosphere. Daniel Bryan was so over with the fans. Seriously from about 60 minutes before it started all the way to the end there were regular "Yes! Yes! Yes!" chants and Daniel Bryan chants during the divas match. It was quite hilarious, seems to be another chant catching on pretty quickly.

    HHH v Taker was awesome but it had the potential to be crazy awesome if they just let someone bleed or they went on top of the cage and HHH like powerbombed Taker through the cage and he still kicks out. Although the crowd went nuts when Taker kicked out of the Sweet Chin Music/Pedigree combo which was done perfectly.

    Jericho v Punk was interesting. I wound up cheering for Jericho and I thought for sure once he had the Walls in with the knee on the head the 3rd time it was game over. I loved the ending with the hole way they kept reversing their submissions.

    Oh and ftr Roaddogg, told you Rock would win :p He looked pretty good. The only thing he botched was the first rock bottom that was really it.

    By far the highlight of the night was the Brodus Clay momma dance. :p So awesome.

    Also, I met Ricky Steamboat last night. He is a fucking midget.

    Can't wait for Raw tonight. Especially if these rumours are true.
  13. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    what i dont like about the obvious rematch thats coming, if cena wins that then does that not mean a third match is needed, like what does 1-1 prove anything?

    meaning that by the time a third match did roll around we'd have almost two years of them feuding, just seems too much imo

    or am i looking too much into this and they would seriously end the feud at 1 a piece?
  14. GYR DW Lewis

    There doesn't necessarily have to be a rematch. Just because The Rock wants to have another match doesn't mean it is against Cena.
  15. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    the whole purpose of him winning is too have a re match
  16. GYR DW Lewis

    If there is a re-match then I seriously doubt they will leave it at 1-1. Rock will win again or there will be a 3rd.

    I don't see the point of a rematch.
  17. Callum CJ Laing

    Lord Tensai is the A-Train am I correct?
  18. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    If A-train is back I'll buy austar just to watch him.
  19. Callum CJ Laing

    Yeah I googled it and it turns out it is him.
  20. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Awesome, love old wrestlers.

    Although I'm not big on them being re invented as completely new characters. Jonny Morrison will always be Nitro to me.

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