Game 1 vs. College Allstars to begin when I get back from picking my brother up (inb4taxijokes) Lineups: Team CricSim Downes - Gayler - Weaver Cambridge - Son Diggler Morgan Ames College Allstars McDermott - Olynyk - Porter Burke - Oladipo Smart McLemore Zeller Live, 4x10 minute quarters Hype, etc, etc.
hmm, strange lineup with me and diggler in there as well as Ames who tbf covers the same spots as diggler and I. Reckon Mousey just didn't want to decide between Diggler and I so we'll both miss the same game lel
You didn't really play SF though, you just ran 3 guard sets. You didn't really play as a SF would, and your defence wasn't as good as usual.