Inheritance Cycle Mafia-Sign Up

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Arheiner, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. Shiv CD Ochocinco

  2. Please_Reframe PP Reframe

    In on this.
  3. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Only got as far as the end of the prologue of the first book. Will sit out unless you need the numbers I think. Give some other people a chance
  4. Arheiner SIA Yates

    1. Heef
    2. Mousey
    3. AVA
    4. morgieb
    5. Samuel Vimes
    6. Himannv
    7. Captain
    8. Boobidy
    9. Baxter
    10. Riddy
    11. Number 11
    12. Loganb
    13. Starris
    14. GingerFurball
    15. Teacups
    16. TheShiv
    17. Please_Reframe
    18. BoyBlunder

    Though not sure if I should remove Heef from the list.
  5. Arheiner SIA Yates

  6. loganb JEM Logan

    I doubt Heef will be on.
  7. Himannv LV Himann

    I'd like to back out of this if that's possible. May not have the time for it.
  8. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Yeah, got no objections. Guess I'm going to have to downsize my plan though.
  9. Magrat Garlick M Garlick

    Take me off too, sorry. Not got the energy I had 3-4 days ago.
  10. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Going to start this up over the next couple of days, would definitely like a few more players as I believe we're down to 15. Also last chance to pull out.
  11. Himannv LV Himann

    I'll play this.
  12. Teacups CJ Evans

    I'll have to pull out. This is starting later than I expected so I can't guarantee activity all the way through.
  13. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Looking to set this up tonight, so last chance for any more signups etc. Current list is at (Assuming Heef isn't playing)

    1. Mousey
    2. AVA
    3. morgieb
    4. Himannv
    5. Captain
    6. Boobidy
    7. Baxter
    8. Riddy
    9. Number 11
    10. Loganb
    11. Starris
    12. GingerFurball
    13. TheShiv
    14. Please_Reframe
    15. BoyBlunder
    16. Heef

    Should be a fast enough game.

    Added Heef in, if he wants to be.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2013
  14. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    I'm here, just don't expect me to be very active.
  15. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Got the design finalised (There will be some balance checks along the way if certain things happen, be warned in advance), going to set up thread, then PMs will be sent out.
  16. Speirz DG Speirs

    In if it's not too late.
  17. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Nah, I can work things in. Just began the PM's, but I can rerandom those not sent.
  18. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Looking for a replacement to finish the game. If anyone's interested.
  19. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Keen :ninja:
  20. Cabinet96 OTN Wood

    I'll do it.

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