Filler Mafia 6: Game Thread

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Furball, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Furball G Furball

    But yeah, feedback appreciated.

    6 maf in a game of 22 might be a bit much but with the way town was structured I had to give them a chance.
  2. Himannv LV Himann

    Yeah we almost lost the game that day. You died, Klonam was shot and Mariner got lynched. On hindsight, it's a good effort to get a win after the situation we found ourselves in.
  3. Weeman27bob BE Force

    The driver definitely made things a bit confusing, but probably helped us a fair amount in the end. Even if it did cause my death.
  4. morgieb MC Burridge

    Had Klonam not gotten nursed and I didn't say to kill Farhat originally, town might have won. Damn.
  5. Furball G Furball

    Town MVP: Tkp. Almost pulled back an impossible situation.
    LVP: either Riddy for giving a gun to Himannv, thus making a mafia win a near certainty, or Prez for shooting Eds needlessly then disappearing when town needed him most.

    Mafia LVP: Harps
    MVP: not sure, Harps aside it was a real team effort. Probably Himannv for delivering the win and taking charge in the QT.
  6. morgieb MC Burridge

    How come there was only two town factions?
  7. Weeman27bob BE Force

    I tried not to get too involved with it because I didn't really understand what was going on most of the time, but I suspect a clearer idea of exactly what the driver would do in certain scenarios could have helped.

    Think the rest of it worked fairly well though.
  8. Furball G Furball

    You got lucky N2, you drove someone with Himannv which meant Starris tracked him. Had Himannv not killed Starris then you'd have been a man down really early.
  9. Riddy JH Ridd

    wtf. me getting lvp is dire. id dint do anything wrong giving the gun to himmann. we had no idea who was maf, and after i had given the gun to to prez and seen him fuck up, we all suspected he was indeed maf. it was either giving the gun to himann or gazza. how was i meant to know prez was driven,
  10. Furball G Furball

    Numbers. Not everyone sided with the Allies in WWII mafia will have a QT because it risks creating far too many 'safe' townies. I didn't get to properly test out the two because Starris and Raide died on the same night but Tkp being suss on Speirz despite being in a QT with him was kind of what I wanted. The idea is that the Allies should be able to share info (because the idea of Churchill not knowing what his armed forces or intelligence services are finding out/doing is ridiculous), but I don't really want someone to go 'right, I'm in a QT with morgie, so I can clear him if he's suss' because it makes town too OP.
  11. Furball G Furball

    Surely if you don't know who maf is, you don't give out the gun?

    Your move lost the game for town; the only way town could have won from there was for Prez to Vig kill Himannv. Every other scenario (Prez not shooting or targetting the same person as the maf) was an auto-lose situation.
  12. Teacups CJ Evans

    I sympathize with Riddy tbf. He was driven and also no-one suspected Himann as being mafia after the amount of calculated risks he took in lynching his own teammate and contribution in day discussions. Eds getting vig killed was a game-turner and totally unnecessary. Takes the cake. Obviously Heef had to be vig-killed. Everyone knew that except the vig.

    But yeah it's a dangerous situation to give out a gun as GF says.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2012
  13. Furball G Furball

    Gazza also a strong contender for doing fuck all.
  14. Himannv LV Himann

    Yeah, didn't see your death coming at all. If we had driven you with someone else that day we might have won it with a fair amount of ease.

    Have to say I wasn't pleased about the town factions in the begining. Cop, Detective and Watcher in one QT is a bit too overpowered for my liking. They might have collaborated with the 3 in the other QT and we may not have had a chance.

    Obviously it didn't work that way and the extra player we had gave us an edge in the end so I'm unsure of how workable it is.

    Knew something iffy like that must have happened based on your comment in the QT.

    On the whole the play we made with the driver had its risks as so many things could have gone wrong (some did) but I reckon it was one of our most useful roles.
  15. Speirz DG Speirs

    I really felt like I could've given TKP a lot more information in the QT about who I was, but I held back because GF wanted to see how it worked.
  16. Riddy JH Ridd

    yeah hindsight is a wonderful thing.
    i thought i was giving it to town, and with prez AFK we needed a shooter.
  17. Farhat AM Farhat

    Isit safe to say I should have role claimed (I was the bomb) as it would have prevented anyone fromkilling me?
  18. Skippos SM Morgan


    you kinda wanted to die for the good of the town

    your survival < taking out a maf
  19. Farhat AM Farhat

    Yea but I joined the game late so I don't think Mafia saw me as a threat anyway. Would have been easier for them to try and get me lynched.
  20. Himannv LV Himann

    I did try ftr. Knowing Speirz was innocent, it made sense to show him some indirect support there and make you seem suss in the process.

    You did the right thing by keeping quiet about your role. I might have tried to kill you if I felt others believed you were c'd town and we might have lost as a result.

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