Australian Test Side 2012 - Townsville

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Maroon_Faithful, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Harry Sack SB Slippy

    Completely agree.
  2. Magic AJ Parker

    Surely most of them aren't good enough to make the Australian team anyway, only one I'd pick is Hannant & even then it'd be between he and Shillo for the final bench spot imo.
  3. Harry Sack SB Slippy

    Since when has that mattered when picking the Australian side? Sheens remember. :lol:

    I agree though. Only one I'd pick is Hannant as well.
  4. Colesy BL Hornby

    Boyd will be on one wing.
  5. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    The line before that being that 'Brett Stewart has got speed', because that's all that matters for wingers Sheens? Plus from what I've seen this season Stewart has lost quite a substantial amount of pace.

    Not that he'd be a bad choice there, but picking Stewart there because 'he's fast' is under selling Stewart's ability and shows me that Sheens isn't paying attention. He probably just needed to pull a name out of the air to cover his Lawrence bias.
  6. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Kevy Kingston named in the 9 for PM's side
  7. Old Mate M Perry

  8. Magic AJ Parker

    The team dead set just keeps on improving with all the withdrawals
  9. Old Mate M Perry

    The first one with Pearce and co was the most enhancing.
  10. Magic AJ Parker

    Pearce was never selected, he's too busy getting pussy in the US of A
  11. Alec AD Funkotron

    He's getting your butt.
  12. Old Mate M Perry

    What a chump, has to go to America to get chicks.
  13. Magic AJ Parker

    He's got a 1 time policy & there's only 12m chicks in Australia.
  14. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Kasiano will apparently opt to play for NZ given the new eligibility laws (You must've spent at least 50% of your life in the particular state you want to represent).

    I'm not too fussed. I would't have Kasiano in the side ahead of Shillington, Scott, Hannant or Myles. And I'd probably pick McGuire for impact off the bench as well.
  15. Hunter AD Hunt

    Kasiano would get killed in origin.
  16. Lukic L Popovic

    Kasiano struggles at club level let alone origin.
  17. Cribbage RG Cribb

    Disagree with all you cunts; bloke is gun and a massive loss for Queensland. Absolutely stoked at this.
  18. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    He would've been handy off the bench because his metres per run are superb. He also has a great offload which could potentially cause a tiring NSW defence plenty of problems. He's a lazy defender though.
  19. Old Mate M Perry

    How many years did Tamou have in Australia?
  20. Cribbage RG Cribb

    I think he moved here when he was 12, so 10-11 before he played Origin.

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