The Wrasslin' thread

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by GYR, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    I don't understand why you wouldn't think he rehearsed the matches well before.

    the streak was his legacy and pretty much the only time he ever really wrestled, of course he was gonna do all he could to make it a great match
  2. MASTERS S Masters

    it would have been better if he retired having a 21-0 streak then a 1 loss streak, just me though
  3. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    theres a tradition where you retire on your back
  4. MASTERS S Masters

    what else is there to do now for Taker? pretty sure he wont lose 2 in a row at WM, sold maybe retire
  5. Das09 S Das

    Even I wanted that but making him lose, strengthen his legacy even more.

    And probably a last match vs Sting. Sting's last match should be against Taker. Two men with two great unique gimmicks. The match won't be great at all, but it will be all about the story.

    Bray's promo was again so good. And the Justin Roberts calling BNB Wade Barrett during the main event lol. And was good to see Evolution back. And also mask Kane, looks like it will be Kane vs Bryan and Evolution vs Shield at Extreme Rules.
  6. Paddy P Orr

    I like Bryan winning the title. Especially that HHH didn't entirely bury him, just in promos.
  7. Shri G Shriram

    Should introduce Sting and make him perform occasionally for a year or two while Taker skips the next Wrestlemania to recover as best as he can. Sting Vs Taker on the 2016 Wrestlemania with a year of buildup would be epic.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2014
  8. Das09 S Das

    He said he'll wrestle one match so yeah.
  9. Shri G Shriram

    That sucks. Maybe just one year of promos with a match at the 2016 Wrestlemania.
  10. MASTERS S Masters

    get Chris Masters back :)
  11. GYR DW Lewis

    I highly recommend everyone watch the doco that was released a couple of days ago on the WWE Network about the Ultimate Warrior. It was very intense. Never seen Vince cry before.
  12. cloughie09 TJ Clough

    Been meaning to watch that, went on a massive wrestling binge around WM so haven't watch much since lol
  13. jazman84 JM Eightyfour

    Any idea when Sting is supposed to start on WWE television?
  14. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    he has had interviews for the warrior week stuff so technically he has already started on wwe television lol
  15. GYR DW Lewis

    I was surprised at his lack of emotion when talking about the Warriors death.
  16. GYR DW Lewis

    Damien Sandow :laugh: WAG
  17. MASTERS S Masters

    SILENCE !!!

  18. Das09 S Das

    That first segment tho. Really wish they turned Cena heel. He gets more boos than cheers and WWE has Bryan now. Cena really needs a character change.
  19. GYR DW Lewis

    Yeah Mick Foley posted a piece of Facebook about it and I think he summed it up to a tee. That first segment was awesomely creepy but it was ruined by Cena and his cringe worthy reactions.

    I have had the song stuck in my head since I watched it too.
  20. Das09 S Das

    Yeah I sing it as well :p. Really want to see what they'll do with the match at EC. Wyatt's character doesn't care about winning or losing, he just wants to prove the world he's right about the monster inside Cena. So, really keen to see what they do.

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