Survivor: CricSim

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Escath, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. Raide KN Rask

    Even with me? :p
  2. Eds E Ames

    Definitely enough shunt for everyone right there.
  3. MrPrez CM Dyer

  4. Raide KN Rask

    Really - am I that bad? Noone likes me at all? :(

  5. Skippos SM Morgan

    Haha nah, I don't riddy. Riddy riddys, hence why I created the term.

    I'd be keen for it in the offseason tbh
  6. Mousey AJ Son

    wtf is a riddy?
  7. Skippos SM Morgan

    Laying a self depreciating comment solely with the intention of receiving a compliment/positive reinforcement from someone.

    Could call it Skipposing (2010) but that's just a dire name
  8. Mousey AJ Son

    Nah Skip, that's a great name! :)

  9. Escath LE Schaw

  10. Hunter AD Hunt

    Just like the bloke it's named after. :)
  11. MrPrez CM Dyer

    I know you don't. skipposing to me is calling someone out for riddying, because you're the only one that uses the term and you use it way too often.

  12. Callum CJ Laing

    Would be keen for this.

    As others have said Big Brother type thing would be pretty awesome during the offseason.
  13. Humble SA Humble

    I would be keen if i wasnt in America :(

    but if worst comes to worst i can play only if you desperately need me as a number but i doubt you would.
  14. Escath LE Schaw

    People to confirm their interest.
  15. Weeman27bob BE Force

  16. Cevno IV Narang

  17. Number 11 CJ Downes

  18. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

  19. Escath LE Schaw

    Would also like a few judges for some of the contests, so if you're not keen on playing but would still like to be involved, let me know.
  20. Bender BG Herd


    Shotgun having a tribe called 'Quest'

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