Pokemon Sim v3-The Design and Signup thread

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Arheiner, May 22, 2013.

  1. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    I suggest that cats should be randomly detonated with explosives each time I'm mentioned in this thread.

    EDIT: Kittens. Even better than cats for this purpose.
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
  2. Arheiner SIA Yates

    If you can provide the Cats and Explosives, then we have a deal.
  3. Athlai JJD Heads

    Heef to only use cat Pokemon. Not even one parrot to be given to him.
  4. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Well there's definitely enough catlike Pokemon for a 6 man team.
  5. BoshtrichBurger BB Burger

    Name: BoshtrichBurger (Or just Burger if it's too long (that's what she said))
    Specialty Type: Grass
    Second Specialty Type: Fire
    Preferred Starter: Bulbasaur
  6. chris473 CJ Devonshire

    Gave myself a secondary with Dragon
  7. MASTERS S Masters

  8. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Just to let people know where we're at, I'm probably going to confirm all the starters today, tomorrow at the latest and then everything started tomorrow 100%.
  9. Escath LE Schaw

    If that doesn't happen, I expect Pokemon Sim v4.
  10. Arheiner SIA Yates

    I've got all day tomorrow until I go out in the evening, I can be sure it'll be done then. Whilst today I'm going out at 10 and I won't be back until late, I'll be out at a netcafe but not sure if I'll have the time then. I probably will.

    Still time for any last minute entrants BTW.
  11. Please_Reframe PP Reframe

  12. Tartmaster AJ James

    If I'm not too late

    Last edited: May 24, 2013
  13. Arheiner SIA Yates

    I'll add you in, hopefully can get 1 more to take the numbers up to 28, otherwise I'll play with a RNG trainer.
  14. Iridium IT Lee

    Character Name: Iridium
    Specialty Type: Psychic
    Second Specialty Type: Fire
    Prefer an Abra or Ralts.
  15. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Can we get 1 more for an even 30? Don't make me run RNGtrainer.
  16. Escath LE Schaw

    Wot? You were hoping for one more to get to 28, Iridium signed up and now you want another one to get to 30?
  17. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Mike signed up too (In a roundabout way) in the game thread, straight after Tart.
  18. Howe JHF Howe

    2nd type is Ice
  19. cloughie09 TJ Clough

    Character Name: Tom
    Specialty Type : Posion
    Second Specialty Type: ground
    Prefer Nidaran or gastly
    Last edited: May 25, 2013
  20. KickATinAlong IA Ryabovol

    assuming still too late to sign up?

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