How I Met Your Mother (spoilers)

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Jimmy, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. Alec AD Funkotron

    And Ross is the Spinsky.
  2. Pretzel P Retzel

    Lily looks attractive under like 400 layers of makeup and spray tan. Go look at her in American Reunion and she looks horrible. Monica all da way.

    And yeah, Ted sucks, but I think Ross has to suck more honestly.
  3. Mike ML Martyn

    I just remember her as the flute girl from American Pie.

  4. Shri G Shriram


    Stfu cunt. And now, COMPARE:


  5. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Cox is wearing a small bra
  6. Coldplay SD Tuladhar

    Lily's boobs looked big when she was pregnant in HIMYM.
  7. Pretzel P Retzel

    Yeah but that was CGI.
  8. Shri G Shriram

    No strap marks visible through the shirt and the visibility of nipplez disprove your theory.
  9. Mike ML Martyn

    Ahh Bra IMO.
  10. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Oh I stand corrected, there's almost half a b cup in there.
  11. Klonam AB Gloury

    Actually pregnant in the hotdog eating contest 2nd time episode.
  12. Teja. HBK Teja

    There are people who believe Lily is more attractive than Monica? FFS.
  13. BMT BMT Con

    She has her moments.
  14. El Nino J Torres

    Only just watched the end of the season, wtf.
  15. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    end of which season?
  16. Jimmy J Read

    @emm, season 7 mate.

    @nino, i agree very unusual ending.
  17. Wilson SB Wilson

    Anyone been watching these new episodes?

    Fuck how awful are they.
  18. TBra TJ Bradford

    People still watch this show?

    Oh and Ross >>>>> Ted. Ted is probably the worst lead character in the history of TV.
  19. Gazza GJ Weaver

    One that just came out was terrible
  20. Wilson SB Wilson

    That scene where Marshall was getting his inner fuckwit out too give Ted advice, was fucking horrendous.

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