CricSim Tennis Tournament: Monte Carlo

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Scottie, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. Mousey AJ Son

    Even though I'll have to play the qualifiers, agreed. Fair, and it's realistic.
  2. abyrulesdforum AR Dforum

    No choice for me.. agree with majority as was out in 1st round itself :p
  3. Starris ER Starris

    Yeah I have no problem having to play a qualifying game.
  4. morgieb MC Burridge

    Yeah, I can cop qualies. Hopefully I produce my doubles form into the singles arena.
  5. loganb JEM Logan

    Would qualifying be possible with numbers? Bye might be quicker and easier, just give the top x amount of singles players byes imo.
  6. Howe JHF Howe

    This was amazing, great read.

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