CricSim Freestylin' Rap Battlin'

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by BoshtrichBurger, May 8, 2013.

  1. Fiery GR Smith

    Yeeeah! yeeeah!...Fieryboi is in da represent and teach.
    You can only hope you get Saved By The Bell in this battle, Screech.

    The only part of that shit you got right was that I've lost a bit of hair.
    But there's plenty there...let's your tiny balls...they're bare.

    At least you have some on your head but shave it off you clown!
    That jewfro wont get you laid, only clean a loo when we tip you upside down.

    You call yourself a strapping lad...more like a strap-on lad.
    That GayFL game you play online is so terrible it's sad.

    You diss my wife's looks...but she so damn can only dream.
    If you made a pass she would simply laugh which would still make you cream.

    You talk about my family and say I have no love.
    I have more love than your callused hand which now needs a protective glove.

    You need to tidy your room too's stinks so bad in there.
    When you mum comes in she needs a gas mask and a net for your hair.

    When she called you Theo is was unfortunate but she really weren't to know
    That Theo rhymes with BO...a regrettable coincidence...this shit is starting to flow!

    Picking up your soiled wank socks is not her idea of fun.
    Maybe if you stopped thinking about her so much you minute cock wouldn't dribble and run.

    You say you wanna have sex with my daughters...they're 5 and 7 years old.
    You're a sick puppy, call the authorities so we can chop your goolies off and then we'll break the mold.

    Get out the house, get a haircut and a job and do some weights, like Jake the Mus.
    I've seen your arms, they're skinny as fuck, you lanky streak of pus.

    I call you Screech cos it's funny shit that he's your doppelganger.
    But your Dad's a jackal and your mum's so ugly Joseph Merrick would't bang her.

  2. BoshtrichBurger BB Burger

    DIV.1 - Fieryboi V. MC Spice Rack
    Vote for the winner of this match-up.
  3. Captain SSD Dong

  4. Tartmaster AJ James

  5. Mousey AJ Son

    :laugh: A decent reply. Much better than I expected. Kudos. Definitely my second favourite so far.
  6. Dirk Diggler DM Diggler

    Commend him on the Jake The Mus reference in there.
  7. MrPrez CM Dyer

  8. Fiery GR Smith

    Theo was just naasty rather than funny. None of it true either. Prob get lot of votes just because it was about me but even if I was reading it without bias don't think there was any wit or skill there.
  9. Reagan Wheelson RDP Wheelson

    I commend Fiery for his first ever attempt at this. Definitely did a lot better than most people thought he would have.
  10. Dirk Diggler DM Diggler

    Vote Theo.
  11. Fiery GR Smith

    Lol. How patronising
  12. Reagan Wheelson RDP Wheelson

    Theo vs Fiery

    Just to make it easier to have my votes all in one post.
  13. Tartmaster AJ James

  14. Fiery GR Smith

    Theo took days to put his together. I read his and put my reply up in about 20 min. The middle was a bit weak in places admittedly.

    And I didn't get quite as personal.
  15. Fiery GR Smith

    Better make sure I don't get whitewashed anyway :laugh:

  16. Himannv LV Himann

    Yeah agree with this.
  17. Fiery GR Smith

    Speak with your votes
  18. Himannv LV Himann

    I'm yet to vote on the first battle so I have some reading to do first. I admit I'm not too enthusiastic on doing that though.
  19. Fiery GR Smith


  20. Skippos SM Morgan

    like my rap wasn't very good but i really don't see how reframe's was better.

    urgh self esteem plummeting.

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