Cricket Championship

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Evilhoopler, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Evilhoopler NR Chance

    Well you guys are obviously into blind cricket games, you should go check out cricket championship. It's still in beta, but has come a long way, and really focuses on the tactical side of things a lot more thn battrick or FTP.

    It's much more focused on First Class also, and has a very realistic match engine. I know mightymariner and bigdougy are already over there, but yeah always looking for more members
  2. azzal AJ O'Neill

    Azzal is my name on there. Have a decent side but never go on there.
  3. Jabba HJ Bots

    I signed up to this years ago and played for about 4 months but then lost interest
  4. morgieb MC Burridge


    As FTP players may know, I'm Chaisa, the manager of the Petersham Pistols.
  5. Mariner CL Warrington

    Love this game, despite my wavering levels of activity on it.
  6. Eds E Ames

    Yeah this.
  7. Veez DJ Veza

    Same here. It's not too bad. I'll probably play it when it's out of beta.
  8. Mariner CL Warrington

    Not that there'll be much difference when it is.
  9. Skippos SM Morgan

    Couldn't deal with the graphics/interface.
  10. Raide KN Rask

    Same, it was too dull/plain, just couldn't get into it.

    It has also been in beta for a crazy long time now.
  11. Iridium IT Lee

    Basically this.
  12. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Hasn't it been in beta for a few years now?
  13. Das09 S Das

    Yeah it has been in beta for like 2-3years iirc.
  14. Raide KN Rask

    Yea, it's been a REALLY long time.
  15. Zakaron SDR Laing

    I play it.

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