2014 World Cup

Discussion in 'Association Football Discussion' started by Lukic, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Riddy JH Ridd

    what a shite game
  2. Speirz DG Speirs

    You can't change the order during the first 5.

    At least, that's been the case in every one that I've been in.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2014
  3. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    Does Vlaar even take penalties at Villa?
  4. Mariner CL Warrington

  5. Teacups CJ Evans

    I meant, who's the best 5 in the lineup they had because Logan said that they didn't use their best 5.
  6. Julian BJ Taylor

    I always thought penalties were a real personal thing. Generally just the more confident players take them, not always the ones who are better technically.
  7. loganb JEM Logan

    But you've got to get there first!

    Clasie was good when he came on, enjoyed watching him tbh.

    Surely Wijnaldum.

    Order would probably be


    For me, anyway. Obviously LVG knows them all better so his opinion on them may be more valid, but Vlaar is definitely not the best and definitely shouldn't be first on the list. LVG was just trying to play mind games and this time it failed.
  8. Escath LE Schaw

    You can see before they submit the order that the players are individually spoken to, so it's not a simple matter of who the best takers are.

    That said, not sure why Vlaar should take the first penalty. It sets the tone for both sides and you really want it to go in, more so than the later ones. Have him go second or third, maybe
  9. Escath LE Schaw

    LvG said he had asked two other players who both refused to take the first kick. He had Vlaar as his third choice because he thought his play would have brought him enough confidence.
  10. loganb JEM Logan

    Yeah it's a tough one. On the one hand, if you know who the best are and you tell them the order straight out, it could easily give them the confidence they need to take it. If you ask around you're more likely to either have people say no, or people who aren't capable say yes.
  11. Weeman27bob BE Force

    Apparently Mascherano tore his anus in the semi-final.
  12. Magic AJ Parker

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/uX2AfxFelj4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. hen da man HRT Daman

    Yeah I saw that, did he touch it again or something?
  14. Lukic L Popovic

    Hope Germany win. They deserve it far more than Argentina. Argentina winning would be a massive injustice.
  15. Frizzed WC Welker

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/SoL6yzBTGPw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    Fuck that was a terrible penalty
  17. Lukic L Popovic

    If it didn't touch his shoulder it probably would've gone in. He took a lot of the spin off it.
  18. Escath LE Schaw

    On the contrary, if it did touch it, it wouldn't have mattered because it would have invalidated the penalty altogether.

    I don't think he did touch it though, or he wouldn't have thought it had any chance of being counted.
  19. Lukic L Popovic

    I think it did touch his shoulder looking at the spin of the ball changing. A lot of the spin comes off it from what I've seen. Hence why I think that if he did miss it instead, it would've spun more and gone in.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2014
  20. Mousey AJ Son

    Or just tried to claim it anyway

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