Pandas BBC

Discussion in 'BasketballSim' started by Hunter, May 16, 2009.

  1. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    Permission to treat the thread as hostile?
  2. The Half Back JW Taylor

  3. Escath LE Schaw

    Pandas Fact of the Day: In the city of Ya'an in the Sichuan province in China there is a special type of tea made from the dung of pandas. Known simply as panda tea, it is the world's most expensive tea, selling for around £46,000 per kg!
  4. Choco C Man

    Cuz who wouldn't love drinking panda shit.
  5. Tartmaster AJ James

    2 Pandas, 1 Cup
  6. abyrulesdforum AR Dforum

    Panda fact of the day: An adult giant panda weighs about 200-300 pounds (90-135 kg). Quite similar to the Pandas we have recruited in the club.

    With an absolute Giant panda namely abyrulesdforum @ 270 lbs.. the most destructive if it comes to rebounding.
  7. Choco C Man

    Pandas are not as heavy as I thought tbh.
  8. The Half Back JW Taylor

    All fuzz and no fight.
  9. abyrulesdforum AR Dforum

    We play, we fight on the court.. here, we share wisdom.
  10. Eds E Ames

    I think aby's just retired Escath there.
  11. Escath LE Schaw

    I've got the week off work. Taking the week off doing this too :p
  12. abyrulesdforum AR Dforum

    Panda fact of the day: A giant panda’s face is cute, but it is not chubby. It gets its shape from massive cheek muscles. In fact, a giant panda’s jaw and cheek muscles are so powerful that a panda can easily chew an aluminum dish into tiny pieces. They can also easily bite through a thick bamboo stalk. Humans have trouble cutting the same stalk with an axe.

    So fuckers just don't mess with us thinking we keep bit quite.. we are lot more fast and furious when we are on court.
  13. LukeTyson L Tyson

    Sign Tyson.
  14. Choco C Man

    Did you just hit up every team?
  15. abyrulesdforum AR Dforum

    Not all i see.. Bandits & Wildcats too
  16. LukeTyson L Tyson

    The ones that need my help.
  17. Choco C Man

    Everyone needs a Tyson in their life
  18. LukeTyson L Tyson

    You still a Ukulele king ?
  19. LukeTyson L Tyson

    Sorry guys but your chance to be great has passed.
  20. Choco C Man

    Haha was I ever?

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