English Football 2012/13

Discussion in 'Association Football Discussion' started by Alex, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Furball G Furball

    I refuse to get all hot and bothered about diving when defenders repeatedly get away with wrestling practice in the box at set pieces.

    No-one's ever arsed about diving when defenders do it under pressure either.

    The only person who should be embarassed by yesterday is the referee.
  2. AdamSmith AG Smith

    Not guilty according to a court of law. There's not much I can add to that.
  3. SuperNova SJ Nova

    The same courts that acquitted people involved with Hillsborough, yeah, that court of law. Sounds promising.
  4. MrPrez CM Dyer

    If he believed that he was racially abused I highly doubt that he would let the opinion of the court of law sway his emotions given that he was in the thick of the action whereas the court of law were sitting a courtroom.
  5. Skippos SM Morgan

    since when has a court of law ever been flawless
  6. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    The court didn't say he was innocent tbf. They just said there wasn't enough evidence to give him a guilty verdict

    EDIT: Which on the balance of things was probably right imo
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2012
  7. Cevno IV Narang

    Btw, what happened to the FA Charging Terry ? I may have missed it but don't remember reading anything after that ?
  8. SuperNova SJ Nova

    He's been charged, case is on the 24th or something IIRC
  9. Skippos SM Morgan

    burden of proof is pretty high too. better to acquit a guilty man than find an innocent man guilty.
  10. Cevno IV Narang

    Indeed. Not enough evidence to establish intention as the law states.

    And anyways footballing incidents and personal relations are not dependant on a Court verdict.
  11. Magic AJ Parker

    He didn't say they did tbh.
  12. Riddy JH Ridd

    lol keep clutching guys.
  13. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Haha clutching my arse (not literally).
  14. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Your point?
  15. Magic AJ Parker

    What's yours?

    a) He never said it and;
    b) the court was never going to find him innocent as he already was innocent
  16. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    My point that the fact the court acquitted him doesn't actually mean he is innocent, and that was acknowledged by the judge.

    It was the correct verdict because there was not enough evidence, but Terry's defence is flimsy as fuck, and I (and a large number of others) remain skeptical of his innocence
  17. Magic AJ Parker

    Ummmm.... it means exactly that in the court.

    It was never the courts place to find him innocent as he already was, can't be much more clearer.
  18. Furball G Furball

    No it doesn't.

    I'd bet good money that had he been tried in Scotland, he'd have walked with a 'not proven' verdict.
  19. Magic AJ Parker

    Soccer players got this special set of laws where they're guilty until proven innocent in court now?
  20. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder


    If he racially abused Ferdinand, then no he is not innocent.

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