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Jul 12, 2024
May 2, 2012
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Kolkata --> Mumbai, India
Investment Banking

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RM Chowdhuri, from Kolkata --> Mumbai, India

weldone was last seen:
Jul 12, 2024
    1. Skippos
      The last batch (May, kenny, wildsmith, solomon) are all good players. I don't think May's a good player but his power inflates his wage. He's probably not good enough and Solomon was always a fringe player last year so I'm not sure he's a go-er. Kenny I'll have a look at (good pickup) and Wildsmith is definitely pitch dependent
    2. Skippos
      Kermode: He's a good player - in fact I removed him from the squad a few days ago to make way. he's our third choice finger spinner but it's unlikely with the wickets we'll take more than one (Targaryen) - if not, a fella called Shaw in the squad is equal to him but higher sublevels in his primaries and 2 years younger.

      Dillon: He's a nice batsman. I might add him to the squad. Might not tour but he'd be close. Good pickup!

      I'll look at the others in a tick.
    3. Skippos
      Westbrook: He's so far from a NT player it's not funny. At an absolute minimum an allrounder has to have a spectacular bowl/tech. preferably reliable + batting. His experience is also about 2-3 levels too low for his age.

      Nieuw: He's not near as bad as westbrook :p and for some countries they might be able to be okay with a base level spec/spec to allow a fastie but we've already got Heatley, Key, Gooden and Johnston in our squad who are much better and we wouldn't take 5 fasties on the tour. Normally excep/excep are the minimum acceptable bowl/tech for NT pure bowler. experience also a bit low
    4. Skippos
      I'll have a look now (and give you some feedback. will be 5 mins). Gallagher, Meike, Solomon, Wildsmith and Lawrence I know. Most of those 5 were in the nat setup last 2 seasons. The problem with Meike & Lawrence is their fatigue recovery especially.
    5. Skippos
      We only are allowed 18 players to tour.

      The reason there aren't many 30+ players is that we're looking towards the world cup - and the 30+ players will be 32/33 at the WC and declined too much. The older a player gets the (exponentially) slower they recover between matches too, and a tour is 5 matches in a row, 5 days. So it's pretty rigorous. However I'm looking to take 2-3 just to add to the class of the team.

      So yeah I've got to narrow down 30 to 18. I might have missed players who aren't even in the 30 though!

      And I've gotta have it all done within about 36 hours so I can message managers about whether they're okay with me taking their players from them for a week :p
    6. Skippos
      Oh - and the only condition I have is that you don't claim to have been a nat assistant with me if you apply for a NT role in the future, purely because this isn't really an assistantship, more a learning experience if y'know what I mean.
    7. Skippos
      It's done. You should have a NAT button up the top between India and shop. Click it to experience the wonderful nat world.

      We've got a tour coming up and this week is for squad selection. The pitches are uneven (50% chance for each game), slow (30%) and hard (20%). That's all we know; after we pick the squad we find out what each match will be. There's every chance we could get 2/2/1 or 3/2 or 3/1/1 if that makes sense. Familiarise yourself with the squad members for now. If you want, let me know any recommendations/suggestions you'd make. You've also got the power to search for guys that might not be in the squad. have a play around!

      Uneven pitches very much favour F and FM bowlers, slow pitches favour M/FS/WS but slightly only - and high powered bats... Hard favours batsmen but F/FM bowlers a little.

      Any questions - ask me (but go through me as the other assistants/community probably wouldn't like the idea of a newbie getting this experience :p)
    8. Skippos
      Sorry about the late reply - I wasn't going to reply until I had a response for you.

      I'd be happy to take you on (then probably aby the next tour) for a tour period (1 week squad selection, 1 week break for managers to plan, 1 week tour, so three weeks) for you to get some experience and learn about it. The tour period starts today so let me know if you're keen. It'd be a learning experience thing though, potentially during the tour you could set some orders and stuff though, you wouldn't be 'assisting me' as such.
    9. Skippos
      Nah, not emotional blackmail, I'm campaigning for yer vote :p
    10. Skippos
      why would you care who manages india. you don't know them or have any players. whatever though, your choice. thought all the time i'd spent trying to help you and showing you the game might have actually meant something.

      Your choice though.
    11. Skippos
      oi dude could you vote for me (sapientia) in the ftp elections for NZ. would love you.

    12. Skippos
      Cheers - sounds amazing! Perfect, really.

      I'll give it a look.
    13. Skippos
      Okay Weldone - I trust your knowledge of your home country. I'm looking to travel to India some time within the next year or two and was wondering where I should go. My criteria for tourist enjoyment is as follows:

      - Modernisation has not taken hold of said place
      - As traditional as possible, i.e. resembles society of 100 years ago, not developed and modernised
      - Vibrant with (ancient) culture
      - Close to or containing natural beauty (i.e. untouched by man), things like forests, mountain ranges etc.

      Does anywhere there fit the bill?

    14. Das09
      Well it wasn't jaundice. Just had a high bilurubin due to dengue.
    15. Das09
      I am all good now :). How have you been?
    16. Jager
      Beauty, hopefully I win this one ;) look forward to it mate!
    17. Jager
      Alright I'll find all of our teams - would you happen to have a copy of them?
    18. Jager
      Auction draft poll IMO :)
    19. Gangmastaz
      thanks, buddy.. where will ww find our squad.
    20. Shiv
      Want a friendly on FTP? :naughty:
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  • About

    Kolkata --> Mumbai, India
    Investment Banking
    SC Batting:
    2986 Runs @ 54.29
    FC Bowling:
    0 Wickets @ -
    SC Bowling:
    12 Wickets @ 49.92
    OD Batting:
    918 Runs @ 38.25
    OD Bowling:
    4 Wickets @ 40.00
    OD2 Batting:
    168 Runs @ 56.00
    OD2 Bowling:
    2 Wickets @ 33.50
    Batting Rank:
    Bowling Rank:
    RUSim Posts:
    Allrounder Ranking:
    Playing chess, solving puzzles