Round 23: Warriors V Rabbitohs

Discussion in 'Matches' started by Harry Sack, Aug 9, 2016.

  1. Fiery GR Smith

    OK only 2 zeroes then lol
  2. Fiery GR Smith

    Yeah tell me about it. MF's desperation is cringey as
  3. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    See. He's checking off everything I put on that list. :laugh:
  4. Fiery GR Smith

    What list? Do you have a bucket list? Better get out of your bedroom soon then
  5. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Stupid and dishonest - check.
  6. Fiery GR Smith

    Not stupid. I have 2 more university degrees and several other qualifications more than you. Would cane your ass in a game of Trivial Pursuit too. (Unless you get about 5 Kafka questions in a row)

    Dishonest? Don't think so. I've honestly told you I won't pay you, for example.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2016
  7. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    You made a bet and didnt pay. Textbook dishonesty from a weak, weak man.
  8. Fiery GR Smith

  9. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Textbook dishonesty from a weak, weak man, who can't even bring himself to admit the dishonesty and weakness of it. For shame.
  10. Tartmaster AJ James

    After you dishonestly said for months that you would...
  11. Fiery GR Smith

    Hmm, what exactly are you accusing me of being dishonest about? And weak about? I would be a weak man to prioritise you before my family.
    And would also break your scrawny arm in an arm wrestle. Bet you couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag. A bloke who can't and/or won't work commands no respect from me...just disdain.

    You won't get any money out of me....I suggest you move on....(and try to move out of your parent's house before you're 40)
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2016
  12. Fiery GR Smith

    Fair call. I'll cop that and brush it off. I changed my mind as it's my prerogative.

    I do find it amusing that a few silly boys in Australia think I actually care if they think worse of me :laugh:
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2016
  13. Tartmaster AJ James

    Oh don't worry I couldn't possibly think any worse of you.
  14. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    What are you accusing me of? Oh right, yeah fair enough. I'll cop that and brush it off:laugh: who the fuck is this goofball?

    And its prerogative not perogative, you spastic.

    :laugh: call the cunt weak on obvious moral grounds, and he wants to arm wrestle. Hahahaha. Absolute fucking spanner.
  15. Fiery GR Smith

    That actually makes me happy :thumbsup:
  16. Fiery GR Smith

    Oh sorry I got 2 letters round the wrong way. I will pay you a fine of $1000 in the year 2080.
  17. Tartmaster AJ James

    Well no, you missed a letter.
    Seriously how dumb are you?
  18. Rego RS Hutchinson

    So basically Fiery took this bet out with no intention of paying on the off chance that the Warriors did make the top 4 spot - to bank $2k. $0 to with the potential win $2k sounds like pretty good odds, good odds but so fucking immoral.

    Whether Fiery has the money to pay the bet or not is probably an irrelevant argument, he wasn't going to pay it anyway but would have been straight on to get his $2k if the Warriors did place.

    There's lots of irony in all facets of this unfolding but it really comes as no surprise - just think not that long ago Fiery was calling MF out for gambling and how terrible gambling is, to then proceed to place a fucking ridiculous bet from a stake and bet choice perspective. I guess it comes as no surprise an anti gambler refuses to pay such a bet out.

    I'm not usually one to jump on the typical Fy hate bandwagon but for him to then go out and buy a PS4 for his kids instead did make me chuckle, something to father them while he's gone?

    Also the I earn more than you, I have more money than you is just a stupid belittling argument, who the fuck cares? we can't all or don't all have ambitions to be the cunt of a multi-billion $ company with more money than sense. Everyone has a place in society or at least the opportunity to and you therefore shouldn't jump to conclusions based on any bullshit rationalisation (mental issues, mummy problems? disposable income etc.). You're not really living life if you think the only status in society is dependent on how much $ you earn or have. In actual fact a lot of the richer folk are actually burdens on society in an ecological sense but that's a discussion for another day. Enjoy life, embrace the positiveness this beautiful earth has around us not only mentally but physically and spiritually too. Quit living a materialistic bullshit life. Peace.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2016
  19. Tartmaster AJ James

    Rego gonna Rego
  20. Fiery GR Smith

    I stand corrected. But still less dumb than you. University educated and on a 6 figure salary. Pretty sure that's more than you've achieved...boy

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