2014 World Cup

Discussion in 'Association Football Discussion' started by Lukic, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Lukic L Popovic

  2. Toolman TR Man

    Can imagine how much flack Ronaldo would get for not being good enough.. when it's Messi though it's all excusable apparently.

    Was a boring game.
  3. Lukic L Popovic

    Poor Blatter. Would've had wet dreams about the opportunity to hand another manlet in messi the world cup trophy. If Messi had the body of an adult and not a child things might have been different though. lol @ short people; subhumans.

    Will there be a better moment in history than the day Blatter dies btw? Don't think so.
  4. Mousey AJ Son

  5. Starris ER Starris

    German efficiency.

    Also they had a spare day and didn't play 120+ minutes the game before.

    Messi was gutted.
  6. Escath LE Schaw

    Any interest in a World Cup XI draft? Obviously based entirely on their performances during the World Cup. Maybe with rules like maximum 2 or 3 players per team.
  7. Julian BJ Taylor

    Yeah I dozed through most of the second half.

    Messi with the golden ball is a fucking terribly bad decision. Robben played the same role for Holland much better IMO.
  8. Magic AJ Parker

  9. Dirk Diggler DM Diggler

    Bloke from work had $2k on Germany winning in regular time :laugh:

    Would've hung myself if it was me.
  10. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Sure. I'll go first.

  11. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    A mate put $50 on Germany 3 years ago when they were paying $24.
  12. Riddy JH Ridd

    messi best plaer? what a joke.
  13. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Does anyone want to do this? I didn't watch every game so I will probably pick a shitty team. Still, can be entertaining for a bit.
  14. Escath LE Schaw

    Can't just say you'll go first and pick :p
  15. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    lol why not? Now you get two picks. And then I do. And so on. Then we have other members say who they think picked a better side. Or were you talking about a draft between a plethora of members? Doesn't seem like anyone else is interested.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2014
  16. Toolman TR Man

    Dude get a job.
  17. Escath LE Schaw

    Kinda dumb to pick just 22 from a pool of 16*23 players
  18. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Not if we limit ourselves to say, 2 or 3 from each nationality, as you said. Shall we pick reserves then? :p
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2014
  19. Quaggas O du Toit

    Good times?
  20. loganb JEM Logan

    I'd assumed World Cup XI meant players that played in this World Cup...

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