Ugliest Footballer

Discussion in 'Aussie Rules Football Discussion' started by PaulFromOz, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. Skippos SM Morgan

  2. BoshtrichBurger BB Burger

    You win.
  3. Old Mate M Perry

    Thread lacks polynesians.
  4. Skippos SM Morgan

  5. crowley DA Crowley

    Jeremy Cameron

  6. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    keth cum here
  7. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    Leave my boy alone.
  8. Skippos SM Morgan


    Hello and welcome to Meerkat Manor
  9. Harps ZAF MacDonald


    Did he pull out the meerkat pose tonight while watching his direct opponent take a mark?
  10. Blake BE Quilty

    Wouldn't even classify quite a few in here as ugly, looks like Cricsim has very high standards. Ryan Crowley isn't ugly, Scott Pendlebury is far from ugly, and Jeremy Cameron just has a boyish sort of face - he's not even close to the ugliest footballer.

    Personally going to nominate Tom Lynch.

  11. Skippos SM Morgan

    Yeah Lynch certainly rivals Bootsma. He looks like a butch lesbian after going for a run.
  12. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    We could do with a code vs. code battle.

    Whenever I see the term "Ugliest Footballer", I will always *unfortunately* think of Peter Beardsley:


    None of your AFL players come close to that yet.
  13. Blake BE Quilty

    I still think Ribery has to be holding that crown..

  14. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    I think you've caught him on a good day there too.
  15. Scottie NG Scott

    Bootsma needs to look a bit more like his dad. Great example of a man.

  16. Tartmaster AJ James

    Scott Minto says hi.
  17. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    I still bet he slays.
  18. Fiery GR Smith

    If you can call soliciting underage prostitutes "slaying"
  19. BoshtrichBurger BB Burger

    Any motherfucker with money slays, especially pro sports homies with money.
  20. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    As a matter of fact I do.

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