4th 0:57 Cricsim B 105 Cricsim A 102 Pass from Morris to Weaver. Weaver's shot is blocked by Dorn. Gayler with the rebound.
4th 0:26 Cricsim B 105 Cricsim A 102 Driving shot by Weaver rolls around and in. Weaver is a lethal offensive player. Cricsim B 107 Cricsim A 102
4th 0:03 Cricsim B 107 Cricsim A 102 Nova with a pass to Lukic. Three point shot by Lukic is off by a penny. Lukic rebounds own miss. Tipped up and in. FINAL SCORE: Cricsim B 107 - 104 Cricsim A *** End of the Game ***
FULLTIME Stat Leaders Points: Dorn – 38 Rebounds: Welker – 14 Assists: Morris – 12 Steals: Lukic/Morris – 4 Blocks: Gayler – 14