The Elder Scrolls Online

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Storer, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. Wilson SB Wilson

    Fuck me. Ps4?
  2. Storer BA Storer


    ID is benjaminstorer
  3. Old Mate M Perry

    Are you a werewolf? should infect us brah.
  4. Wilson SB Wilson

    Sweet, will add you.
  5. Old Mate M Perry

    Just re-added you, names not popping up in my friend list in game etc.
  6. Wilson SB Wilson

    Just loggin into game now, will check it etc
  7. Wilson SB Wilson

    Not working, not sure why.
  8. Storer BA Storer

    Nah, not a werewolve. Almost every player is either a werewolve or a vampire. Meh.
  9. Rocks DN Boland

    The amount of people who want to be WW or Vamps is ridiculous. They act like they can't enjoy the game unless they are bit.
  10. Old Mate M Perry

    Pretty sure being a werewolf gives you a 15% stamina increase while you're in human form with no side effects. That seems legit, the actual werewolf I couldn't give two fucks about.
  11. Wilson SB Wilson

    Got in a party today to become a werewolf. They took forever so I called a mate and had a 20 minute conversation with him whilst still on the head set. 'Oh my gooooouudd, will you shut your accent upppp'. Gold.
  12. Old Mate M Perry

    Did you get it? Totes turn us brah, didn't realise it was on last night, stupid work.
  13. Old Mate M Perry

    Anyone find an argonian racial motif ill trade ya for him.
  14. Wilson SB Wilson

    Nah, the jew took us to some shithole where everything was level 40 and we all got toweled up

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