Super Rugby 2015

Discussion in 'Rugby Union Discussion' started by Benny, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    It just scrapes in.
  2. Fiery GR Smith

    Can you spell his name right please dude. Sacrilege! :p

    There's no T in Richie ;)

    (We named our new cat after him actually...Richie McClaw). Here he is...

    Last edited: Apr 17, 2015
  3. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    James Lowe with another Fuck up.
  4. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    Nice pic :)
  5. Fiery GR Smith

    Captain to fap
  6. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    Take a bow Brad Webber. In a couple of seasons he could be on an all black tour.
  7. Fiery GR Smith

    I don't know who decided to punish the refs by making them wear pink uniforms tbh. It's a massive deterrent for anyone considering becoming one lol.
  8. Fiery GR Smith

    FMD Tameifuna is a unit. 137kg? :shock:
  9. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    There's some SBW fer ya
  10. Fiery GR Smith

    Magic skills from SBW
  11. Rego RS Hutchinson

    Loving this. Normally the Saders would bounce back from a loss but nope. Saders dominance is over :D
  12. Fiery GR Smith

    Ellis gets the hook after kicking it out on the full 5 times
  13. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    Still a ways to go - no jinxes
  14. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    Sam Cane again. Looking like the man the ABs meant to pick some years ago. If Warburton was this good Wales could do some damage.
  15. Fiery GR Smith


    Game over!

  16. Rego RS Hutchinson

    Suck a dick Saders :p
  17. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    Sweet try - that should wrap it up.
  18. Rego RS Hutchinson

    I refused to put money on the winner of this because of how it could go either way. Glad the Chiefs are gonna win though.
  19. Fiery GR Smith

    You picked 'em ;)
  20. Rego RS Hutchinson

    Read my comment in the thread :)

    I would never support em haha.

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