SC Draft 2015

Discussion in 'Betting, Tipping and Fantasy' started by MatthewJay, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. Hunter AD Hunt

    Diggler said I could partner up with him.
  2. Skippos SM Morgan

    pls fellas
  3. morgieb MC Burridge

    What are we waiting on?
  4. MASTERS S Masters

    whats the minimum needed ?
  5. brettman135 BR Hall

    1. Theo
    2. Skippos
    3. Masters
    4. Morgie
    5. Mousey
    6. Jimmy
    7. Brett
    8. Diggler

    Hunt down Paul to get him back involved as usual?
  6. Skippos SM Morgan

    No odds. Either 8 or 10
  7. Tadeusz T Bochat

    I'm keen.
  8. MASTERS S Masters

    probably here, where do you change your team name?
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
  9. Skippos SM Morgan

    Okay here's what's gonna happen.

    - We're gonna play with 8 unless 1 more bloke is mystically interested.
    - Buy in is $10 dollars. We do not start the draft until 8 blokes have paid
    - The first 8 to pay will be the first 8 to play. That means 1 bloke misses out most likely, so pay up ASAP
    - Winner gets $70, 2nd gets their money back ($10)
    - PM me to ask for the bank account details - it's a holding account of mine. I'll transfer the winnings to the winners immediately after the final.
    - If you don't know what an EFT is, message me and i'll give you my address to mail the cash to
  10. brettman135 BR Hall

    Sounds good.
  11. brettman135 BR Hall

    Still waiting on bank deetz.
  12. morgieb MC Burridge

  13. Skippos SM Morgan

    Using the pms as a confirmation. Once I get 8 I'll send out the deets, don't want blokes to pay then not have enough blokes

    Only 5 Pms so far
  14. MASTERS S Masters

    i should be good after the Suns-Cats match
  15. Mousey AJ Son

    Yeah, I'm in. Just a bit of a prick to get online during the right times living in the States.
  16. brettman135 BR Hall

    Latest update?
  17. brettman135 BR Hall

    I'd assume Saturday night/Sunday morning.
  18. MASTERS S Masters

    will probably be half pissed, seeing Foo Fighters saturday night, and plan to drink later on, gonna be fucked for sunday lol
  19. Skippos SM Morgan

    I'm dressing up as a woman for a beauty pageant on Saturday so no go for me
  20. morgieb MC Burridge

    lol wut

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