Pokemon Sim

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Evilhoopler, Apr 11, 2013.

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  1. AVA T Delonge

  2. Evilhoopler NR Chance

    and then one position remained
  3. Evilhoopler NR Chance

    I'll be away for three days, so can someone close this after one more entry? Thx
  4. Evilhoopler NR Chance

    ‘Hello, and welcome to the world of pokemon’.

    How often have you fired up a game boy, GBC, GBA, NDS, and witnessed these words, in anticipation of the journey ahead. Well now, experience your next episode in the journey, where you will be required to collaborate, as well as compete, with your fellow trainers, through the world of pokemon, in the quest to become the Pokemon Champion, and stand on Indigo Plateu, with all others at your feet.

    So, sign ups are all finished, so what I shall put here is how the actual sim shall work.

    The sim will work in ‘Days’ as such, which are essentially stages on your journey through the world of pokemon. These days will run for a time period, (the length will depend on how long it takes all to send their orders for the day, and on how much work I have to do for school etc.).

    All trainers will be allocated a starter, which can be seen below, which will corollate with your specialty type. (If it seems odd, it shall be described in your inbox).

    So each day, or stage, you will have a series of options, as well as all of your pokemon advancing in level by one (1):

    Catch: You will be given a random pokemon if you select this option.
    Train: All your Pokemon will advance in level by two (2) instead of the usual one.

    Event: Throughout your travels, various events will occur, and require you to partake in a certain thing, these can vary greatly, and will become known in due course.

    These events will be both based on pokemon canon, as well as new in game events.

    The first two options will be available to you on each route which you travel through. When you enter some cities, these options will be available, but when you come across a city with a gym, you enter a gym competition.

    Not everyone gets a gym badge in each city, but all 8 are not required to partake in the pokemon league, the the more you have, greater opportunities will open up to you, such as the use of HM’s.

    Gym’s work in brackets, with a set amount of badges to be allocated from each gym. These battles will be run by myself.

    These come with some Badges, and if you do not acquire an HM, you can ask another for assistance in the use of the HM, perhaps by means of a trade of some description, e.g. lending a pokemon to the other for help by use of the HM. A holder of an HM can only use it themselves, as well as help two others. These do not have to be set, and can be altered and changed over time.

    Upon occassion, an individual will acquire items, this can often be dependent on what pokemon they have, which is in the case of evolution items.


    Pokemon level up 1 per cycle, unless undergoing training. Starter begins at 5. Pokemon caught will be at level 5+(1/2 x S) where N is level of highest Pokemon. You may only have a maximum of 6 pokemon in your party at the one time.

    Pokemon Learnests will be taken from Black and White 2.

    All Natures will be neutral, default EV and IV.

    There are 4 types of stages, routes, dungeons, gym, and Pre Gym.

    And most importantly, have fun everyone! I apologise in advance if this slows down, as I will have periods with very little time on my hands, and real life comes first, but I shall do my best for the community.

    P.S. i knocked this up quickly, so there are probably things I have missed or got slightly wrong etc. All will become apparent through the game. Kanto is if anything largely a test run, to see if balance etc are all good.
  5. Athlai JJD Heads

    Starters plz
  6. Captain SSD Dong

    Just got my pm with the starter
  7. Gazza GJ Weaver

    PM plz
  8. Rocks DN Boland

    Not a poison FTR.
  9. Athlai JJD Heads

    Butterfree is bug flying you n00b Marcuss
  10. Hunter AD Hunt

    I hope Marcuss gets a Weedle.
  11. Captain SSD Dong

    Noob marcuss. Not worthy of taking part. Give his starter to me.
  12. Chewie JA Chewie


    I'm poison too I better not get one >.>
  13. Arheiner SIA Yates

    And we can make teams of 11 people right?
  14. Athlai JJD Heads

    I CAN LEARN FLY GUYS. Who can be a Flash whore?
  15. Hunter AD Hunt

    %JP Thornton
  16. Arheiner SIA Yates

    I think he meant a whore for Flash.
  17. Rocks DN Boland

    Weddle is gun, cunts. Would love to get one.
  18. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Butterfree>Beedrill though. Poison's only good against Grass, and half of Grass is poison-type anyway, so it's a more useless version of normal.
  19. Lukic L Popovic

    Dratini. Fuk yes.
  20. Skippos SM Morgan

    dis gon be good
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