League of Legends AkA LoL?

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Humble, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. Chewie JA Chewie


    We had a couple of Russians come in yesterday
  2. Doog J McDougal

    Wish you guys were EU : \. Want to play with a team so bad at the moment.
  3. Jabba HJ Bots

    My team 1 plat solo queuer, 1 silver solo queuer, 3 bronze solo queuers

    plat player destroys lane, I support bot lane bronze player get him fed, lose game cause they have 0 fricken idea who to target and when to go in/back off in fights
  4. Jabba HJ Bots

    My team getting picked off in small lop sided engagements

    Team Consesus: we probably should stop going into these shitty fights, ok we'll go as 5 then
    nekk minute: 5 - 0 ace, ggwp

  5. Jabba HJ Bots

  6. Jabba HJ Bots

    and that is why heimer isnt played


  7. Escath LE Schaw

    imo Heimer's Q is just a bit too easy to dodge. Other than that, he's pretty strong against certain matchups.
  8. Jabba HJ Bots

    problem with heimer is that he has 0 way of harrasing you in lane without pushing it. If he pushes he then has to watch out for ganks as everyone ganks heimer.

    If he comes up against someone who can harras without getting close to heimer he will get demolished, that is why it is actually easier to play heimer in the top lane vs people like Rumble, Darius, Riven etc.
  9. Chewie JA Chewie

    I think you mean his e?
  10. Jabba HJ Bots

    his grenade. The only ability that helps heimer in mid is the missle nukes squishies but it will also wipe out 2 creeps with it pushing the lane extremely hard
  11. Escath LE Schaw

    Yeah meant his E/grenade.

    Pushing isn't the worst idea against certain champs though. If you find one of the other lanes doing well enough you might even get a kill if you gank.
  12. Chewie JA Chewie

    Pushing is a great idea vs a number of champs. So long as you ward it's fine
  13. Jabba HJ Bots

    Heimer is one of the most item dependant champs in the game I reckon

    you need so many stats to make up for your lack of ability in team fights

    what your kit allows you to do in team fights

    a) peel
    b) poke

    in order to peel you need hard cc, heimer has this but it doesnt stop people advancing only slows them gap closers rape you, rylais helps give you more slows using rocket and grenade cause you arent going to burst anyone tanky like other ap mids could possibly do

    in order to poke you need damage so you need ap, but heimers mana costs are so stupidly high you need mana aswell, the you combine you are way to squishy without an escape so you need health aswell so you go ROA and archangels staff, your movement speed is also stupidly slow so running mvespd quints of getting boots of swiftness/mobility also works better then the mag pen ones

    So stupid imo
  14. Chewie JA Chewie

    You just need a team built around having a heimerdinger mid
  15. Jabba HJ Bots

    alot of champs who cant push backwill just poke you or all in you eventually Kassadin,Fizz,akali,early game kha, espcially considering your item dependance early game heimer has to run from any all in using your kiting ability

    people heimer lanes best against are actually pushers like Morgana and Cassio stops them ganking other lanes
  16. Jabba HJ Bots

    disagree you need a team around someone else from which heimer can help. Never build your team around heimer cause you cant, so many champs do what he does better

    Lux, Nid for example

    Essentially late game heimer is just a second support so you want a double dive squad from jungle and top with someone like janna support and cait/vayne (late game adcs)
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2013
  17. Chewie JA Chewie

    yes I realise that. I didn't say all champs did I
  18. Chewie JA Chewie

    You're thinking of a poke orientated heimer team comp though, heimer turrets do so much damage late game if left alone so you base your team comp around that with heavy cc and lockdown
  19. Jabba HJ Bots

    So what champs would heimer beat then who cant push back?
  20. Chewie JA Chewie

    I also didn't specifically say heimerdinger. Also them pushing back isn't a bad thing either if they're a gank heavy champ

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