From The Pavlova

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Steeley, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. BigDougy DG Dafter

    Heef.....pulled this young Canadian today for my Franchise side:

    16 years old | 15,823 rating | $620 wage
    Left hand batsman | Left arm Medium
    <TABLE class=display width=200><TBODY><TR><TH>Talents</TH><TD>Gifted (Fielding)</TD></TR><TR><TH>Nationality</TH><TD>[​IMG][​IMG] Canada</TD></TR><TR><TH>Form</TH><TD class=form rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=form">reasonable</TD></TR><TR><TH>Fatigue</TH><TD class=fatigue rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=fatigue">energetic</TD></TR><TR><TH>Experience</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">dreadful</TD></TR><TR><TH>Captaincy</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">average</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
    Skills Summary

    <TABLE class=display width=300><TBODY><TR><TH>Batsman</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">[​IMG]poor</TD></TR><TR><TH>Bowler</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">[​IMG]atrocious</TD></TR><TR><TH>Keeper</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">[​IMG]dreadful</TD></TR><TR><TH>Allrounder</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">[​IMG]dreadful</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Notes



    <TABLE class=display width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TH>Batting</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">[​IMG]ordinary</TD><TH>Endurance</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">[​IMG]atrocious</TD></TR><TR><TH>Bowling</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">[​IMG]atrocious</TD><TH>Technique</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">[​IMG]ordinary</TD></TR><TR><TH>Keeping</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">[​IMG]dreadful</TD><TH>Power</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">[​IMG]poor</TD></TR><TR><TH>Fielding</TH><TD class=skills rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills">[​IMG]poor</TD><TH></TH><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    Should be a decent bat for the franchise once I get his fitness up. Also pulled Canadian for my seniors but not worth keeping.
  2. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Yeah - he'll be a decent player Dougy. Shame he's not at your main team, as I'm guessing your academy is pretty weak at your affiliate?

    Probably needs a bit of an Endurance work-out first to make him worth playing, but for the 16yo friendly I was telling you about, we've got sweet FA at the moment, so a couple of nice pops could see him get some action.
  3. brettman135 BR Hall

    Chased 150 against a bot in 10 overs. Loving this whole easy wins to start.
  4. brettman135 BR Hall

    Another week of wins. Enjoying the start of this :p
  5. BigDougy DG Dafter

    Yep....I have managed to get my Academy up to reasonable already though so it's getting there for my affiliate team.

    I am due a decent pull for my main team Heef, so hopefully a few decent Canadians for the future.
  6. Mariner CL Warrington

    Had no decent pulls in ages, but the senior team is doing well so can't complain.
  7. Chewie JA Chewie

    I had two good pulls within the first couple of seasons which set me up well to my position currently. I only sold one of them though, but for 2.4million or something
  8. Callum CJ Laing

    Started playing this again. Began with a 5 wicket 20/20 win.
  9. Droos JP Rhodes

    My teams are top in all formats, happyness!
  10. brettman135 BR Hall

    Player Info

    17 years old | 19,606 rating | $720 wage
    Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin

    <table class="display" width="200"> <tbody><tr><th>Talents</th><td>Opener</td></tr> <tr><th>Nationality</th><td> [​IMG][​IMG] Bangladesh</td></tr> <tr><th>Form</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=form" class="form">average</td></tr> <tr><th>Fatigue</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=fatigue" class="fatigue">energetic</td></tr> <tr><th>Experience</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">atrocious</td></tr> <tr><th>Captaincy</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">ordinary</td></tr> </tbody></table>
    Skills Summary

    <table class="display" width="300"> <tbody><tr><th>Batsman</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">[​IMG]poor</td></tr> <tr><th>Bowler</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">[​IMG]poor</td></tr> <tr><th>Keeper</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">[​IMG]dreadful</td></tr> <tr><th>Allrounder</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">[​IMG]poor</td></tr> </tbody></table> Notes


    <table class="display" width="100%"><tbody><tr><th>Batting</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">[​IMG]ordinary</td> <th>Endurance</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">[​IMG]ordinary</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Bowling</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">[​IMG]average</td> <th>Technique</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">[​IMG]dreadful</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Keeping</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">[​IMG]poor</td> <th>Power</th><td rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">[​IMG]ordinary</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Fielding</th><td title="" rel="ranks.htm?rankingNameParam=skills" class="skills">[​IMG]dreadful</td></tr></tbody></table>
    Pleased with pulling him, should help my side alot.
  11. Mariner CL Warrington

    Only downside is the age there, so the fielding could suffer a bit, although I would take him over the rubbish that I've got at the moment.
  12. Amiya A Shreyas

    I have 22 youth. And 15 of them are my youth's squad regular member. Have a bunch of 17 years and a 16 year old. Hoping that by the end of season, they get a good boost up. My team rank last in its division.
  13. Droos JP Rhodes

    @ Brettman: Decent pull, such a shame he is 17 already!
  14. Mike ML Martyn

    Gutted I'm still in division 5 but have fairly easy T20 and OD groups so should move up at the end of this season.
  15. brettman135 BR Hall

    Yeah but still very pleased that he can immediately improve my side.
  16. Callum CJ Laing

    Anyone got any tips for starting out?
  17. brettman135 BR Hall

    I'm just starting out as well but i'm mainly focusing on my acadamies and hoping my players become good and I draft some guns as well.
  18. Callum CJ Laing

    I have tried to avoid just signing older guys that are cast offs from other teams. But I have brought in a few guys to give my seniors a bit of an edge. How much do people invest in their academies?
  19. scottyc97 MR Mister

    I just moved to Bangladesh and it's easy as shit. I've only played against bots and affiliates.
  20. Droos JP Rhodes

    Start small with academy investment and try and get them to the "satisfactory" level for a start (it will show you how much you should invest to achieve this).

    Buy a couple of 26 to 28 y/o's to boost your seniors a little and then go about getting younger players, 20 or 21, to keep and develop further. If have a proper Youth team, around an average rating of 18 to 20000, you should be very very competitive and it is easy to get decent 18 y/o's for cheap on the market, but don't buy 19 y/o's who have no chance of making your seniors after one season.

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