Your Finances will consist of two things, transfer budget and salary cap. These will be posted on your team page The First thing you have on your finances is you transfer budget. This will be of £ 2,000,000. This is just a simple Transfer Budget which you can use to sign players or towards signing on fee's for players Plus this also has to be used if you want to give the player a clause in his contract from these options. Car - £10,000 to £ 100,000 House - £ 80,000 to £ 250,000 Challenge Cup/ Super League Win - £0 to £ 300,000 Minor Premiers - £ 0 to £ 150,000 Player of the month and Yearly awards - £ 0 to £ 100,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Second and final thing will be your salary cap. The salary cap is £3,000,000. If you want to give your player a wage increase bonus you will have to foctor that into this bracket.