Blackout Rugby

Discussion in 'Betting, Tipping and Fantasy' started by nz0003, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. Droos JP Rhodes

    Lost in the final with 10 points, ffs! Opposition was significantly better so it was to be expected! Won my Youth League and at least got a Silver trophy, so not a bad season all-in-all!
  2. Droos JP Rhodes

    What a shunt week of training I had: Only 1 POP, dafuq!?
  3. Escath LE Schaw

    lol I just came across the wikipedia page for this earlier and I see that slarty has basically been winning everything.
  4. Squeaks ZW Poole

    Yeah he pretty much has been the last 4 seasons or so. Though he did lose the cup this season
  5. Droos JP Rhodes

    New Ruler in Zimbabwe #in comes Flopman# although Thinus should keep him fairly busy!
  6. Darts CB Darts

    Gun YP:

    Ivan Larnik
    17 y/o (R1, D3) | 25,839 CSR | $6,608 p.w. | 187cm | 92kg | Croatia
    Left handed, left footed, in satisfactory form .
    An aggressive player with controlled discipline, impressive leadership, and non-existent experience.
    Energy: Perfect %
    Stamina: Satisfactory Handling: Reputable
    Attack: Admirable Defense: Admirable
    Technique: Satisfactory Strength: Limited
    Jumping: Satisfactory Speed: Reputable
    Agility: Moderate Kicking: Admirable
  7. Squeaks ZW Poole

    Could be an absolute gun first five!
  8. Droos JP Rhodes

    Wow, nice! My centre came out at 17k, but with good key skills!
  9. Darts CB Darts

    I was thinking that but what are your thoughts on fullback? because i am also training:

    Montgomery Mailey
    17 y/o (R1, D2) | 25,422 CSR | $6,469 p.w. | 183cm | 91kg | England
    Left handed, left footed, in moderate form .
    A collected player with flawless discipline, average leadership, and non-existent experience.
    Stamina: Reputable Handling: Reputable
    Attack: Satisfactory Defense: Satisfactory
    Technique: Limited Strength: Average
    Jumping: Satisfactory Speed: Admirable
    Agility: Moderate Kicking: Admirable

    so one will be first five the other fullback not sure who will play which though
  10. Squeaks ZW Poole

    It's hard to say... Depends what you want your first five or fullback to be like. But I don't think it would matter with these two because they are so alike already you just train them o what you want.

    Though I would say the first guy fullback and this second guy (the guy above) at first five!
  11. Darts CB Darts

    yeah that's what i'm going for, thanks, Croatia u20's is looking great for season 18!!
  12. Eds E Ames

    Darts, you got any decent back trainees for me?
  13. Darts CB Darts

    My yp for this week is up for sale:

    Ljudevit Prohaska (For Sale)
    17 y/o (R2, D1) | 23,079 CSR | $5,608 p.w. | 171cm | 82kg | Croatia
    Right handed, right footed, in satisfactory form .
    A conservative player with controlled discipline, limited leadership, and non-existent experience.
    Stamina: Admirable Handling: Admirable
    Attack: Average Defense: Average
    Technique: Moderate Strength: Moderate
    Jumping: Satisfactory Speed: Satisfactory
    Agility: Limited Kicking: Admirable

    Needs a bit of work but he's not bad for a halfback
  14. Eds E Ames

    Preferably looking for a winger/fullback.
  15. Darts CB Darts

    No nothing at the moment sorry
  16. Droos JP Rhodes

    Wow, big need for young backs, forwards there are plenty!
  17. Squeaks ZW Poole

    I might consider a move to Croatia in a few seasons if you guys are willing to pay for it ;)
  18. Mariner CL Warrington

    Got knocked out of the cup yesterday.
  19. Eds E Ames

    Ouch, round 2.
  20. Zakaron SDR Laing

    I have 2 Belgiums U20's in my team.

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