All Australian Thread

Discussion in 'Aussie Rules Football Discussion' started by JPA8, May 15, 2013.

  1. jazman84 JM Eightyfour

    Insert random Freo/Port player here for theoretical gobbies/kudos/forum points.
  2. Mousey AJ Son

    If he made it he had to be on a flank for mine, but he did deserve it. Obviously more than 22 do deserve it, so it's then a battle of who you think is more deserving personally, but Mackie was amazing this year - especially defensively.
  3. brettman135 BR Hall

    How the fuck did LT miss out
  4. MASTERS S Masters

  5. Mousey AJ Son

  6. MatthewJay TA Miokovic

    Mackie was the only shock for me, didn't realise he was in the squad and thought a reporter interviewing him was trolling him when she asked if he thought he'd make it.

    Suppose it makes sense that he got in though as they only really chose 4 defenders and 3 forwards on the field.
  7. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    Fuck I hate cunts.

    Poor LT :(
  8. brettman135 BR Hall

    Every award these days seems to purely reward midfielders unfortunately.
  9. Skippos SM Morgan

    Lt had a worse year than Milne last year and everyone caned the Milne pick.
  10. brettman135 BR Hall

  11. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    Skippos, you racist mutt.
  12. JPA8 JP Anraad

    Skip clearly hates aboriginals
  13. PaulFromOz PF Oz

  14. Harps ZAF MacDonald


    Skip's biggest hate.
  15. PaulFromOz PF Oz

    Cuz he's a rapist.
  16. Youngman JE Harding

    Racist cunt
  17. Stormer BH Borisc

    fucking racist
  18. JPA8 JP Anraad

    Jezza is such a champ. I had a dream the other night that he was named as the AA CHB

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