Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Arheiner, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. Iridium IT Lee

    Haven't played in years so I'm keen for this.
  2. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    Yeah I have drafted before was just wondering if it was possible to just Draft instead of the starter packs.
  3. Iridium IT Lee

    I'd rather start off with starter packs to get familiar with all the new cards, mechanics etc.
  4. sullo SJ Surkelton

    I don't know why but I was really hoping for a mountain goat sim.

    I've dabbled in Magic, would definitely have a crack.
  5. MASTERS S Masters

    Is this similar to Yu Gi Oh ?
  6. Arheiner SIA Yates

    I came to the game from yu-gi-oh. There's a lot of differences and it's more complex but in a good way.
  7. Arheiner SIA Yates

    What Iridium said. Drafting would also just give a massive advantage to the experienced drafters.

    Tempted to just say "fuck it" and allow any currently legal atarter (would link later) but the power level difference includes cards others don't yet have access to.
  8. Howe JHF Howe

    So I had a dig through old stuff and it turns out my deck IRL is red/green 'primordial hunger'. I'm guessing the closest you have to that is red/black?
  9. Arheiner SIA Yates

    When I add more intros there'll be more similar things. On phone ATM so not really sure otherwise.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
  10. Escath LE Schaw

    I wanna play White/Black or White/Blue. What should I do
  11. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Black/White would be start with BFZ b/w or the Abzan deck from Khans. Will probably turn into abzan grindy, pure bw good stuff or Warriors aggro.

    UW there's a few decks to start with but it might become fliers/midrange Jeskai adding red or a control deck.
  12. Escath LE Schaw

    Is it possible to go pure Blue? I heard those people are well loved in the mtg community :ninja:
  13. AVA T Delonge

    Thinking Green/White or Green/Black myself
  14. Arheiner SIA Yates

    It's silly reasoning really. It's just seen as more fun to have a spell resolve then immediately killed by a removal spell than to have it countered even when there's no effective difference.

    Love to see those people play legacy >.>
  15. Tartmaster AJ James

    I will cut you.
  16. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Do a few more reviews for Starters

    Abzan (Black/White/Green)

    Grindy card value midrangey deck. Looks like it's a bit more focussed than a few others, but the outlast mechanic may scale off further in but it shouldn't be too bad if you want to use the good ones early. Rares are OK for this I'd say and a couple very good other cards

    Jeskai (Blue/White/Red)

    Aggressive card quality midrangey deck. Rares are meh IMO, uncommons seem very good, commons are OK I guess. Not a requirement to start with this for a Jeskai deck later though, but same goes for Abzan

    Sultai (Blue/Black/Green)

    Graveyard based stuff. A LOT of trash and a lot of stuff you want (Including Satyr Wayfinders which aren't exactly available otherwise.) Will require significant upgrades, probably would not recommend

    Mardu (Red/Black/White)

    Aggro, sort of Warrior based. Some decent stuff, Crackling doom and a lot of stuff that will need replacing, not a bad start for an aggro strat though.

    Temur (Red/Green/Blue)

    Rampy big stuff. This might be the best, Rares aren't fantastic but there are 2 Elvish Mystics which is a reason to take it alone and a few other nice things. Seems pretty legit if you want to play a ramp deck.

    Most of these lend towards more Khans and some Fate for packs, and a bit more towards Dragons for Abzan, with Origins not being awful for all.
  17. Arheiner SIA Yates

    BW=Warriors Aggro deck. Warriors are spread throughout Khans/Fate/Dragons for packs. If you want to play this deck overall take this pack. Otherwise no.

    RU-Prowess Midrange-3 Lightning strikes the main draw. Simply a play dudes and attack deck, can build into Jeskai later. All packs bar BFZ should go well for developing this sort of deck (Less Dragons though)

    BG-Looks a far better shell than the Sultai one. Hornet Queen, 2 Gurmag Anglers and a bunch of other things. Would recommend if you want to play a graveyard deck (Don't take the sultai one). Hornet Queen will win games on it's own in this. Lends towards Khans/Fate cards and a little towards Origins.

    RW-Aggro again. Looks like a decent draft deck from FRF low on bombs. Not sure this is particularly strong, especially as the best cards are probably commons/uncommons but not awful. Plenty of decent stuff from all sets bar Battle for Zendikar for this strategy

    UG-Manifest defensive ramp deck. May as well just take Temur instead. Not too impressed.
  18. Arheiner SIA Yates


    GW-See the Origins one, similar. Arashin Sovereign in this might be kinda nuts with meh removal?

    UW-Pseudo-Prowess evasive attacking deck. Looks really meh to me personally.

    UB-Seems a decent value deck based around sacrificing creatures and Exploit. Synergises nicely but probably won't scale amazingly with new cards, but solid choice. Lends itself to a lot more dragons cards and previous graveyard stuff a bit.

    BR-Aggro stuff. Seems to want Fate/Dragons cards and some Khans, not too bad overall I think. Dash.dec isn't a great overall strat but for this it could work. Cards for it aren't awful but wants Heelcutters.

    GR-Aggro leaning Midrange, has a dragons subtheme. Decent removal suite, creatures early on seem solid. Doesn't particularly ramp though. Goes well with entire Temur theme though I guess, look at that packwise
  19. Arheiner SIA Yates

    BFZ (Ignore first deck, it's not a choice. Far too good)

    WR-Allies (tribal subtheme). Aggressive, lacks removal, obvious theme. For packs if you want this, get all BFZ and trade better stuff you won't use for actual removal.

    UG-Eldrazi, ramp-based. No proper ramp outside the Scions and 4drops, may have insane lategame compared to other decks. Seems quite strong tbh but will die horribly to aggro most likely, can always start Temur and move towards this. Definitely a bit different, fun, and a lot of pack choices.

    WB-Lifegain and Flying. Lifegain is ew, so it's a midrangey WB strategy with fliers. If you wanna play that sure I guess it's fine. Goes towards whatever has decent cards in black/white that isn't warriors so may want to adopt green and become Abzan later.

    BR-Eldrazi Aggro-A bit WTF for me, rares aren't great, deck is VERY interesting and seems to go a lot of ways, but if you think it seems cool it's fine. Likes BFZ packs I guess

    RG-Landfall (Lands entering play), sorta aggro variant that wants to play a lot of lands. Super-generic and doesn't really scale well, rares aren't amazing like some but synergises with non-BFZ packs a lot better than the other BFZ decks. Does fucking nothing when not playing lands though and REALLY shit removal for a deck that is very creatures and attack focussed. Does have a Rolling Thunder I guess too?
  20. Tartmaster AJ James

    That Eldrazi one is VISTSL.
    Tempted to give it a go.

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