NRL Supercoach Draft

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Hunter, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. Fungus K Fung

    Can we do more than 12? In.
  2. Hunter AD Hunt

    We'll keep it at 12. From the look I had any more makes the season go a lot shorter as you can't play everyone multiple times.

    No ones complained about the draft date time so I'll set up the league tomorrow.
  3. Benny BS Read

    sweet as
  4. Hunter AD Hunt

    League set up. Have PM'd you all the league code.
  5. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    When we doing it?
  6. Hunter AD Hunt

    It's set for 8:30pm Monday March 2nd.
  7. Fan09 ND Short

    Sounds good.
  8. Farhat AM Farhat

    Someone to also create a normal league.
  9. Hunter AD Hunt

    So only Gemmell, Morgie and Fungus have joined the league....
  10. Julian BJ Taylor

    I'm joining, just haven't been on the site yet.
  11. Fan09 ND Short

    Had a mad scramble signing up just before and the code didn't work. Got Oztag at 7:45 tonight and then realised the draft isn't till next week. No dramas.
  12. Benny BS Read

    Hahaha I just went to rush sign up too haha
  13. Hunter AD Hunt

    So I thought entering the league code just wasn't working as most of you that have joined have PM'd their email so I could manually invite you. But BMT has joined somehow. Just checking that everyone is going into the Supercoach Draft part of the site and not just entering it in the normal Supercoach part?
  14. morgieb MC Burridge

    Yeah realised that was my mistake when trying to enter.

    Think you may need to register with SuperCoach before going into the SuperCoach Draft part.
  15. Lukic L Popovic

    i'll join i guess
  16. Fan09 ND Short

    Yep, just thought I was going to have to pull the pin, lay low for the next 12 months and try sign up next season ha when all is forgiven.
  17. BMT BMT Con

    I just went to the draft site and entered the code.
  18. Hunter AD Hunt

    We're already full. If a spot opens up I'll let you know.

    Ah, so it wasn't the code that was the problem. Just not everyone is as smart as you. :p
  19. Magic AJ Parker

    I was just being lazy tbh, but I'm in now.
  20. Hunter AD Hunt

    What's your team name?

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