Did you fix the RUSim postcounts for that missing forum? Also, is there any way to include banned members - Fiery and Theo are both missing from the post rankings - I used to manually add these in from the side bar, but that's no longer possible of course.
http://www.blastr.com/2015-9-30/4400-cast-crew-join-fan-effort-revive-cult-hit-sci-fi-series-netflix Yeeeepp. Erect.
Can you give your view on the discussion in the admin forum. Just want to make sure I've got this right and I'd be delighted to do the heavy lifting.
Yo, got any particularly good noob-friendly political resources that you'd recommend for understanding the basics of politics?
http://www.cricsim.com/member.php?91686-Freofalcon This guy is trying to post a registration but is being told he doesn't have the privilege?
Any chance for MMA sim to get its own sub to be a bit neater on the forum and easier to track shit based cribbage?
I'll give it a go like I did on Planet Rugby, I guess. Could you make a seasonalrugby.com link to the live simming page (or is there one already)?
Given the history, is it a bad idea to spam the sidhe forum about Seasonal Rugby. Can't find many forums where rugby games are a thing, really.