Wrestlemafia Game Thread

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by hedger, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. AVA T Delonge

    :laugh: Gun stuff.
  2. Quaggas O du Toit

    No chance on his role from that?

    3+1 left, 5 town, as a guess

    Dan next?.

    Athers, what have you been up to?
  3. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Good shit!
  4. Athlai JJD Heads

    Leading blind lynched to keep town in the game mostly.
  5. Athlai JJD Heads

  6. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Er no i lynched Heef early then unlynched to stop a hammer while thinga were confused. Got back on it once it cleared up
  7. Quaggas O du Toit

    Your night job interests me more
  8. Athlai JJD Heads

    Yeah I don't have an action.
  9. Quaggas O du Toit

    That's too bad
  10. hedger OX Gbagbo

    Their rivalry had been a long and heated one. Having been built for several years, it was all about to come to a head. Today was not a day for a 5 second pose. The steel chair crashed down upon the target's head, and his world faded to black.

    Dan has been taken out. He was Matt Hardy.


    Night 4 continues.
  11. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Well fuck me. When is Undertaker gonna hit someone from Mafia?
  12. AVA T Delonge

    Yeah fair call. Was just quickly browsing the lynch votes, didn't factor in unlynching.
  13. GIMH GIMH Martyn

    Undertaker with a steel chair? Not sure about that.
  14. GIMH GIMH Martyn

    Plus the write up talks of long rivalry, and five second pose. Got to be Edge right?
  15. AVA T Delonge

    And the night is still going...
  16. Athlai JJD Heads

    Wait it's still night? Shenanigans
  17. Captain SSD Dong

    Sorry boys, took a chance and I fucked up :laugh:

    i've got two shots left, they'll either kill or silence. Gotta use them tonight or we're dead.

    First thing I do all game and it ends up like this :laugh:
  18. Athlai JJD Heads

    God damn it Captain.
  19. Captain SSD Dong

    I was weighing up between telling you guys and killing someone. Settled on dan because I'm an idiot.

    lets do this before the night is over fuckers
  20. Dan DB Wayne

    Well, there goes my thoroughly underwhelming participation in this clusterfuck.

    Hoping for a Dusty finish.

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