LIVE - Round 4: Black Rhinos vs Falcons BBC @ The Georgia Dome

Discussion in 'Matches' started by Bender, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. Storer BA Storer

    Lol @ my player. >_>
  2. Jabba HJ Bots

  3. SM MD Dorn

    No wonder i get **** all time, playing behind Bender :p

    Epic fail this match though... Turn overs, fouls, blocked shots...

    Although i made one 3 pointer :wub:
  4. Bender BG Herd

    Playing behind speirz tbh.
  5. kingdamo DRP Taylor

    Epic phail.
  6. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    I reckon ged and myself should more evenly share the pg minutes (if i had more then nine minuets i would have been up there with the best IMO), and also FALCONS!
  7. Bender BG Herd

    Keep in mind your missing colesy so it's not the teams fault mostly >_>.
  8. Speirz DG Speirs

    No, I'm actually Ben Der.
  9. Bender BG Herd

    I'm his multi.

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