From The Pavlova

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Steeley, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Stumped is a joke. I've won a division 1 title in stumped and I only set orders the first week of season 1, anything else I've done is keeping my team from going bot.
  2. Starris ER Starris

    I was top in nz for ages. Before I quit I sold my players and staff. They went for heaps.

    Horrible game... the attribute ratings were laughable.
  3. Arheiner SIA Yates

    The ratings could just be changed to numbers which si good, but FTP's just a better game and more established anyway.
  4. Mike ML Martyn

    Looks like my boy Van Noortwijk helped Skippos/Rusty out in the game against Kenya.
  5. MightyPies DA Alessi

    Are Skip and Rusty National managers?
  6. Arheiner SIA Yates


    That said the FTP nat setups easy as hell to get into and becoming a manager if you pick a country and show interest isn't much harder. Plus not that many people care about nats outside of election times.
  7. Mike ML Martyn

    Assistants for Netherlands.
  8. MightyPies DA Alessi

    Ah okay, fair enough!
  9. zorax ZX Doom

    When did you last play?

    Things have changed a lot in the last couple seasons. It's comfortably a lot more realistic and a lot less predictable/repetitive/monotonous as BT and FTP. That's not necessarily a good thing for everyone, but I really enjoy it. It's the best of the 3 IMO. It just does't have a lot of players, so Div 1 in quite a few nations still have bots.

    Also the attributes ratings were meant to be alphabetic (Highest skill starts with A, then B, then C, etc). No one uses them anyways, we all just use numbers.
  10. Skippos SM Morgan

    Do not mention stumped in this thread it's the biggest waste of space ever
  11. Frizzed WC Welker

    How much do stadium upgrades cost ?
  12. Frizzed WC Welker

    Nevermind, got on to look.
  13. Starris ER Starris

    When it first came out.
  14. zorax ZX Doom

    It's been 6 seasons. A lot has changed and a lot of improvements are in the work. I highly recommend giving it a try again.

    It's not to everyone's tastes, because it cannot really be played as a 'game' with a reliable and systematic long-term plan like BT/FTP, so casual players will be turned off a bit. But I really enjoy the challenge and the effort that needs to be put into building a side, and how dynamic and unpredictable and 'real' it feels.
  15. Arheiner SIA Yates

    I dunno, the casual players don't tend to be the ones with long term plans.
  16. MightyPies DA Alessi

  17. Starris ER Starris

    You'd need to reveal them but going on ratings I hate to say that they are rubbish.

    Your 19yos want to rate above 30k to be decent.

    It's just what we all get when we start.
  18. zorax ZX Doom

    I notice quite the opposite. Casual players on BT/FTP log on, set orders, watch a few games, log off. All their players go through long-term coaching/training plans, with predictable pop times, and they just basically do everything the newbie guides say to and let the team grow without much time investment. Even the orders are pretty simple to set, and the ME in BT's case is extremely predictable.

    The more dedicated players are constantly playing the TM, fiddling around with orders and trying new things, are involved with the Nat setups, basically always looking for something to do.

    Stumped, by design, doesn't allow for long-term plans. There is no 'optimal' way to play it, unlike BT or FTP. Every player is unique, and thus every team structure is unique, and you need to spend time to find out how to get the best out of your players. There are no pre-determined pitch types, and you can improve your coaches and groundsmen, and players can get injured if they play too's all so much more dynamic.

    FTP and BT are definitely a lot more casual than Stumped from my experience.
  19. MightyPies DA Alessi

    Copping an absolute smashing in my Youth game. The guy i am playing did just get 550k for a youth player lol.
  20. Starris ER Starris

    You've got to expect that until you start getting a season or two into it and can build up a decent side.

    A lot ignore their youth sides - though these days they give you a 0.5% discount on wages per season a player is with you.

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