Know your ABs

Discussion in 'Rugby Union Discussion' started by Hurricane, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    Name this man

  2. Mike ML Martyn

    Graham Mourie
  3. Alex AJ O'Driscoll

    Andrew Mehrtens father Martin
  4. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    Or this man

  5. Alex AJ O'Driscoll

    URL ch3at?
  6. Ari PM Jackson

    This. Not difficult to find out. :p
  7. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

  8. Hurricane JD Hurricane


    1 pt Mike
  9. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    yep 1 pt Heef
  10. Ari PM Jackson

    Pretty pointless given we can just cheat. :p
  11. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    This man

  12. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    yeah but you shouldn't cheat - and how can you cheat? Through image search?
  13. Mike ML Martyn

    Jock Hobbs
  14. Ari PM Jackson

    The URL gives away the player names.
  15. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    yep 2 points Mike

    your just doing it from memory right?
  16. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    This man

  17. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    Well you have to hit on reply to see the url right?
  18. Mike ML Martyn

    Yep, knew Mourie and Hobbs just died so those photos were all over the news. Didn't have a clue who the second guy was though.
  19. Iridium IT Lee

    Right click, view image on Firefox

    Billy T James :p
  20. Hurricane JD Hurricane

    2 points on offer for this man - I have hidden the url

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2012

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